We are a small flag company located in Georgia – the heart of Dixie. We have received some pressure and less than polite “requests” to stop selling the Confederate battle flag.
Defending the First Amendment: The Legacy of Flags and Free Speech
At US Patriot Flags LLC, we firmly stand as advocates for the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The freedom of expression is a cornerstone of our democracy, and we believe in preserving this right for all Americans—especially when it comes to the symbols they choose to display, including flags.
We understand that flags evoke strong emotions, and few are as divisive as the Confederate flag. For some, it symbolizes oppression; for others, it represents a fight for freedom and resistance against perceived tyranny. Regardless of the perspective, it is undeniable that the Confederate flag carries significant historical and cultural meaning. Suppressing this symbol doesn’t change history—it rewrites it, and rewriting history is a dangerous precedent.
Flags, like any symbol, embody ideas—past and present. The way to challenge an idea isn’t to silence it but to engage in dialogue. Attacking the symbols of ideas is a tactic of fear and control, not progress. Every time a call is made to ban the Confederate flag, demand for it surges. This pattern underscores the resilience of free speech and the importance of protecting it, even when the ideas it represents are unpopular.
The First Amendment exists to protect unpopular speech. Popular opinions rarely need defending. As a company, we honor this principle not just in words but in action. We provide access to a broad array of flags, ensuring that all Americans have the opportunity to celebrate their heritage, express their beliefs, and hold onto the symbols that matter to them.
Our founder’s lineage traces back to Paul Revere, a man who sounded the alarm for freedom and resistance against tyranny. It’s in this spirit that US Patriot Flags LLC continues to operate—not for profit, but for principle. We do not boycott or ban flags, because we understand that when any majority suppresses the voice or symbols of a minority, freedom is at stake for everyone.
If the day comes when your flag or your ideas face suppression, you can count on us to stand with you. At US Patriot Flags LLC, we remain steadfast in our mission to ensure that all Americans—regardless of their views—have access to the flags that resonate with them.
Let’s remember: flags don’t harm people; individuals do. Symbols represent ideas, and it’s through the free exchange of those ideas that progress is made—not through censorship or suppression.
Thank you for supporting our commitment to liberty and free expression.
US Patriot Flags LLC
Below is a link to our “Rebel Collection”
Here is a link to the best selling and best looking cotton Confederate Battle Flag:
John Nesbit & employees of your company;
Thank you so much for standing up for our 1st Amendment rights and against tyranny.So glad to see that y’all aren’t following the sheeple during this very sad and chaotic time. A flag is an inanimate object and not responsible for the actions of a crazy human being/human beings.
Keep up the good work and many blessing to all of you and your loved ones!
God Bless America!!
A proud supporter for Freedom!
You think they would make some ISIS flags for all Muslims citizens to fly proudly?
Wayne, you have more in common with ISIS than a Confederate flag!!! You just don’t realize it.
thank you uspatriotflags.com for standing up for whats right, our rights! dixie born & dixie raised, I’ll always be proud of my heritage, no one can take that away!
Thanks for your courage and for not knuckling under. I’m NOT bowing under pressure either. Just ordered the 8′ x 12′ Confederate flag from your website. I have no idea where I’ll be able to hang it in my Cleveland, Ohio home, but it’s going to be hung proudly. I’m Southern bred, but sadly living up north amongst Yankees. My ancestors fought for the South and died on Kennesaw Mountain. I cannot wait to receive my beautiful flag. It means a great deal to me. Again, THANK you.
John Nesbit, THANK YOU SIR! Our Civil Rights in the South have been trampled on and are always trying to be stripped by that race that claim it’s in their Civil Rights, yet in America we are supposed to all have EQUALITY, yet one race seems to think that does not apply to those of us with Southern Bred and Born roots, history and heritage!
It’s not all in that race though, I know a lot of blacks, many I am friends with, born in the South that fly the Confederate flag very proudly too.
So I am so happy you have not succumbed to this madness[stupidity actually} of not selling the Rebel or Confederate Flags, I look forward to purchasing one, possibly more in the near future to be proudly displayed from my home!
Related to Paul Revere, that’s wonderful! Loved that story in History, but for what it’s worth, my wife is 6th generation Floridian and she is related to the Great General Robert E. Lee of the Confederate Army on her mothers side. I was showing her some historical photo’s I found of him and his wife online and the family resemblance is right there, it was uncanny, but his wife looks very much like my late mother in law! And we got along very well, heard a lot of great stories about General Lee from her when she was alive.
Sadly my wife lost some manuscripts that was handed down to her from past family member as those things go, written by Robert E. Lee himself, lost when a storage unit we rented flooded and they were destroyed, didn’t know they were in there{they were in what was supposed to be a sealed, weatherproof tote!} or I’d have had them put in a safe deposit box. Sadly, even though we had insurance on things,
they refused to pay us for any and all things damaged that can never be replaced or repaired such as that.
And I’m going to probably be making some people unhappy come this 4th of July 2015, I’ve been collecting Confederate War songs from various sources and that’s just what I intend to be blaring on my outdoor speakers from 7am ’til midnight on 7/4/2015! And whomever doesn’t like it, well they can just KISS MY SOUTHERN “CONFEDERATE” A$$! LOL
Just wish I had the Confederate Flag to go along with the music! But that’ll have to wait until next month when I’m hoping to order one!
We either lost or had ours stolen when we moved to our new home. So hoping to get a replacement in the near future.
Thanks again for keeping the Confederacy, it’s rich history and heritage of the South alive and well at uspatriotflags.com!
BTW: My name on your site is Orville Fugitte, the posted name on this comment is what I use on FB.
thank you for sharing this interesting information. I am sorry for your loss from the flood. I know what that is like.
History is one thing. Being proud to be a bigot……is just foolish.
you’re an opinionated asshole aren’t you?
Perhaps. I can be an “opinionated” asshole when I want to be. You’re merely an “uninformed” asshole at all times.
Sadly, there appears to be no hope for you on the horizon either.
You can be what you want to be but we are not allowed to be who we want to be. You are the only opinion that matters and nothing anyone who doesn’t agree with you has value. You’re the bigot here. An uninformed one at that.thers no way you have a degree of any kind in history. You’re a liar. Nobody goes thru college and ends up this stupid and unable to think for themselves. You just keep saying the same shit and everyone else has run circles around you with facts. Liberalism truly is a disease. You need help. You’ve been schooled and you’re still spouting the same shit.what a pathetic excuse for a human being.
Yes, he is. He’s also arrogant, self righteous, thinks his way is the only way. He is intolerant of anyone who doesn’t believe the same things he does. I’d say he’s the bigot. We accept people for who they are. I’m guessing you’re one of those pussies who voted for Obama too. You think just like him.
Thank you for selling the Confederate flag. I don’t understand why people want to trample on American History. Even if they don’t agree with it. The Civil War was a very important war in our nation’s history. The men who fought in the Civil War from the South should be honored. After all, most were fighting because they felt a threat to their homeland. Not for slavery. As one Confederate soldier said to a Union soldier when asked why he was fighting, he said plainly, “Because your down here.” So I appreciate the fact that you have not wavered in keeping the flag on your website. It is important for people to realize just because you do not agree with something, it doesn’t give you the right to eradicate it. I am a proud Southerner and I have no hate in my heart or any ill will toward anyone. It’s time to study history and be proud of the heritage – not eliminate it from society.
If your heritage includes hate, slavery, treason, tyranny, etc. the Confederate battle flag is right for you.
You better read your history Wayne, Those examples you gave, fits better with the American flag. Of course, I’m sure your the type of person that would want that taken down too. Did you know the first slave owner was black? Probably not, since only bits and pieces of history the media wants you to hear, is reported. Just because some idiot hate group decides to adopt an object for their beliefs, doesn’t mean that’s what that object was intended to be associated with.
Well, Eugene, I have a BA degree in history, so it is suffice to say I’ve read about it at some point and time. Flying that flag only indicates to me is you haven’t gotten over possibly the most major event is this nation’s history.
I do agree that the America flag also symbolizes some the dark history of the United States. In my estimation, the white race was the force behind most of that dark history.
Meanwhile back in reality, Africans and Egyptians invented the Human Slave Trade.
Much of what they teach in college history today is nothing but cultural Marxism…anti-American, anti-Western culture, anti-religion, and so on.
I am sure you would rather have revisionist Lost Cause BS taught, along with Christian Dominionism and American exceptionalism.
Wayne the south lost the civil war. Northern scholars and the winners of the war were writing the History books. So of course the north was made to be the Hero’s. If you truly have a BA in History , it would do you some good to do some of your own research. Read the memoirs and journals of the men who fought for the south. See if they were fighting and dying so the rich men could keep their slaves.
If Germany had won the war could you imagine what the history books would have said about the jews.
if you are are ashamed of the white race then I have some tar for you…stay the fuck up there yankee bull…..We fly what we want down here…we say and do like we like also….you are the first people to force federal rules on the south….while at the same time supporting sactuary cities for criminals in this country illeagaly ….you can’t have it both ways…I say we need sactuary cities for white Christians…..OHHHH but that would be wrong huh?….fucking libtards are all hypocrites
Listen, and listen good, Wonder Bread. I was born in Texas, and I have lived in Texas all my life. I’ve seen it from both sides. Personally, I don’t give a shit what you think, or what you do. You’re too stupid to know right from wrong anyway.
Remember it’s was a battle flag. A symbol of a war that your inbred heritage LOST! Now it’s a symbol what many people use to tell all the world that they’re a racist bigot.
“You are the first people to force federal rules on the south” Your words, not mine. Since at the time the South was part of the Union, how the hell are laws that were passed and enacted being forced on you? The system has been the same for almost 250 years. You teatards are all the same, ignorant to the bone.
FYI ~ It’s a flag, not some do rag to cover up your greasy ass hair!
Wayne, you really missed the entire section on the cause and affect of the Civil War didn’t ya? The Civil War was most certainly the result of the northern states and the federal government enforcing laws and taxes on the south. Slavery was okay with the entire union, and yes, even the north, until it was used to garner support for the war effort. The Emcipation Proclomation was not even delivered until going on two years into the war, so the war was not about slavery, as most people think it was. Lincoln has even written that if he had a way to win the war without freeing the slaves, he would have done that. So, he is not the almighty saviour of the black race that many think that he is.
As far as the south being considered inbreds, you do know that the state of Texas succeeded from the Union in 1861, right, and was therefore part of the Confederacy? So, you Texans are not only south, but also west of most of the northern states that were part of the Union. Does that make you, horse fucking, inbreds?
SECEDED, Crispy. Misspelling words doesn’t help our cause any.
The spellcheck on my tablet picked succeeded, it’s such a pain in the neck sometimes. I have a broken hand right now, so I let it check the post over, so much for letting spellcheck do my work. lol
NP- I just hear people all the time verbally saying “succeed” when they mean “secede”, when I saw it in writing, I thought I’d best say something.
Nope. The areas of the states of Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama that were mountainous and had few slaves, voted against secession. Even though they were subject to the same taxes and federal laws, 46% of Georgians did not support the slavocracy. These areas subsequently sent many men into the Union armies, including some of my ancestors. Slavery was still Constitutional until the 13th Amendment was passed, until then Lincoln’s hands were tied to issue a general emancipation. Great Britain, Mexico, and 18 of the northern states had outlawed slavery, and the refusal of the northern folks [who were asserting state’s rights!] to extradite escaped slaves led to secession to preserve the monied interests in the South. It was all about the slaves, and the racism that underlaid the concept of slavery being an OK thing.
I must disagree with you Mr. Fiddler. Yes there were some Southerners who fought for the North. (Believe it or not there were a few Northerners who fought for the South). But the reasons for the war are more varied than you think. Slavery was not the only issue. And you have to go back to the late 1840’s to see that the North and South were having problems. For one thing the North was applying taxes on imported goods the South had coming in. And there were taxes put on Southern products going out that many Northerners did not have to pay on their products. Also Southern banks paid high interest on loans made with banks in the North. After the “panic of 1857” Southern financiers found themselves burdened with high payments just to save Northern banks that had suffered financial losses. Also, they disagreed over how much power states had. And how much the federal gov’t should have. To top that off you had the Industrial North and the Agricultural South. The people were different. The ways of life were different. So to say it was only about slavery is just not true.
Liberalism is a sick mental disorder. Your statement, “It’s a flag, not some do rag to cover up your greasy ass hair” sounds pretty racist to me. Is that what you think about africians hair? Did not know people who are ‘light on their feet’ were born in Texas. Bet you never missed an episode of Pee Wee Herman.
Weak minds swear when they cannot launch a logical argument. Great job! You must be real smart?
Boy, when you brag on your education, be sure you’re the best-educated in the house! I’ll see your BS degree (and we all know what BS stands for), and raise it with TWO Master’s degrees in the behavioral sciences, with emphasis on ethics, and cultural and historical impact on the above. I ran a time-line of the FACTS surrounding the Emancipation Proclamation (which, as you know IF you actually studied history), only freed the slaves in states that were in open rebellion against the Federal government. In other words, Missouri, Kentucky, and occupied Tennessee slaves were not freed until the 13th Amendment in Dec. 1866, a year and a half AFTER Lee’s surrender. Also, two Union states, Maryland and Delaware, were slave states and were exempted from the Proclamation, too. IF you ever read the Lincoln-Douglas debates or IF you ever read Lincoln’s first inaugural address, you’d know that Lincoln preferred the union stay together, rather than freeing slaves. In fact, he said that, if it would keep the Union together, he would allow all slave states to remain slave states.
At the same time, I find myself wondering if you can account for why so many free blacks in the South VOLUNTEERED to serve in the Confederate Army and Navy. Even a Union general with the Sanitary Commission wrote of seeing hundreds of black Confederate troops were marching in the came companies with their white counterparts, wearing the same uniforms. This is in stark contrast to the Union army, which had to use SEGREGATED units.
I suggest you look up H.K. Edgerton and Byron Thomas. Edgerton is a former president of the NAACP in North Carolina. He was encouraged to trace his “roots”, and did so. When he reported that one of his ancestors was a free black who joined a Confederate artillery unit, he was stripped from office, kicked out of the NAACP, and has faced nothing but insult and threats from these “tolerant” liberal “African-Americans” (he refuses to allow anyone to call him that- he says he’s “an American and a Confederate”). Byron Thomas is a student at the University of South Carolina, and the descendant of free blacks who served in the Confederate Army. When he wanted to put a Confederate battle flag up in his dorm room, he was faced with expulsion. However, he lawyered up and filed a First Amendment violation case against the university (Title 42, United States Code, Section 1983) for violation of his civil rights. The university IMMEDIATELY backed down, although they ruled that blacks can display the flag, but not whites (I’m just waiting for THAT discrimination suit to hit the media!).
I can go on and on about why the so-called “Civil War” (which was actually a secessionist war, because the definition of “civil war” is a war in which two or more factions are fighting for control of the same nation, more like what you’re seeing in Syria), was not “all about slavery”, but slavery actually played a small role until 1863, when Lincoln decided to use freed slaves as cannon fodder. It seemed that, at the same time, there were riots in New York City over conscription (that means a draft, Wayne, just so your “educated” mind can grasp it, since you were never around during the last draft in history, and your parents likely weren’t, either).
Oh, and if you had ever served in the military, you’d know some of this history, too, since it’s taught in boot camp of the Army, Navy, and Marines, as well as the Posse Comitatus Act, which arose out of the horrors visited on southern states by the Union during the so-called “reconstruction”. I even learned this in the Air Force, although there was no Air Force during that period in history. Then again, with all that this Community-Agitator…I mean Organizer-in-Chief, has inflicted on the Department of Defense (smallest military since before WWII), I doubt today’s troops know anything coming out of boot camp, except how to whine. They have to go into the combat zones to grow up, which is unfortunate.
I also question the value of your education, since you do like all good little neo-Marxists and respond to others’ debate points with almost illiterate insults. Personally, I’d love to take you on in a factual debate on TV! You’d do more harm to the liberal cause than a THOUSAND Ronald Reagans!
You are one ignorant SOB! Blacks troops never volunteered to fight for the South. The Confederacy only mustered the “courage” to use black troops less that a month before the war ended. The main Rebel armies facing long odds against must larger Union armies,the Confederacy, in a desperate measure reluctantly approved the use of black troops.They knew their days on the battlefield were numbered.
They didn’t want to arm blacks, and they sure didn’t want them becoming free citizens. Didn’t matter, they were going to lose them away with the end of the war just few days away.
You’re made several outrageous claims only confirming to me the fact that you are a brainwashed Teatard.
You want to me on TV debate, you can bring it on any time. Looks like you need to on the Biggest Loser. Looks as if you need to drop about 100 lbs, not to mention the fact you are a big loser. That’s what losers do. Change the truth to make it seem that they’re educated.
You absolutely do not know your history. At the outset of the war MANY free blacks formed militias and volunteered to fight for the South. Go crawl back under your rock you statist Nazi.
How many? The Louisiana blacks formed units, and then promptly joined the Union armies when they showed up in Louisiana. When the ratio of blacks in both armies was 100-1 in favor of the Union, you can see which way the wind was blowing. The flag you defend was THE symbol for slavery and segregation for 150 years, and still is.
That flag is a battle flag. It never flew over the Confederacy. You intolerant assholes are disgusting.
The battle flag flew over the army defending the slavocrat Confederacy. That is bad enough.
The American flag flew over a slave nation. If you read real history you would know that only 5% of the people owned slaves. Gee, I wonder why the other 95% of the southerners fight if they didn’t own slaves. Because it wasn’t all about slavery. But I don’t expect your feeble one track mind to catch on to this. The hands of the northerers were just as bloody as the South on the matter of slavery. Slavery still exists today. Why do you not put your time and energy into bringing that to an end. Why is the ISIS flag ok while ISIS assassinates gays? The flag means different things to different people and I have the right to fly any flag I damn well please. You liberals are the most intolerant bunch of hypocrites I’ve ever known. You want to force the rest of us to do something. You wouldn’t like it very much if you were forced by the gov to do something, but your feelings and ideologies are the only thing that matters to you. You have no empathy. You are selfish and totally self absorbed. Thank God there are less of you than conservatives. i have a right in this country to fly any damn flag I please but you want to take my rights away. When will you be giving up your rights to free speech. What will your world look like when you can no longer troll conservative sites in order to make asinine comments? Pretty grim I think.
The American flag did fly over a nation that allowed slavery. The slave trade was banned in the early 1800’s and 18 of the 33 states had abolished slavery starting in 1804. The USA was on its way to eliminating slavery just like the rest of the civilized world, and the South had to secede to avoid being outvoted in the Congress. Slaves made up the bulk of property values in the South, more than the land and railroads added together. The bankers were financing the plantations on borrowed money, and the whole economy was shackled to slavery. The common folks did not want to compete with 5 million freed slaves,and the common soldier enlisted and fought to keep the blacks from being politically equal.
Teaching With Documents:
The Fight for Equal Rights: Black Soldiers in the Civil War
“Once let the black man get upon his person the brass letter, U.S., let him get an eagle on his button, and a musket on his shoulder and bullets in his pocket, there is no power on earth that can deny that he has earned the right to citizenship.”
Frederick Douglass
The issues of emancipation and military service were intertwined from the onset of the Civil War. News from Fort Sumter set off a rush by free black men to enlist in U.S. military units. They were turned away, however, because a Federal law dating from 1792 barred Negroes from bearing arms for the U.S. army (although they had served in the American Revolution and in the War of 1812). In Boston disappointed would-be volunteers met and passed a resolution requesting that the Government modify its laws to permit their enlistment.
The Lincoln administration wrestled with the idea of authorizing the recruitment of black troops, concerned that such a move would prompt the border states to secede. When Gen. John C. Frémont (photo citation: 111-B-3756) in Missouri and Gen. David Hunter (photo citation: 111-B-3580) in South Carolina issued proclamations that emancipated slaves in their military regions and permitted them to enlist, their superiors sternly revoked their orders. By mid-1862, however, the escalating number of former slaves (contrabands), the declining number of white volunteers, and the increasingly pressing personnel needs of the Union Army pushed the Government into reconsidering the ban.
As a result, on July 17, 1862, Congress passed the Second Confiscation and Militia Act, freeing slaves who had masters in the Confederate Army. Two days later, slavery was abolished in the territories of the United States, and on July 22 President Lincoln (photo citation: 111-B-2323) presented the preliminary draft of the Emancipation Proclamation to his Cabinet. After the Union Army turned back Lee’s first invasion of the North at Antietam, MD, and the Emancipation Proclamation was subsequently announced, black recruitment was pursued in earnest. Volunteers from South Carolina, Tennessee, and Massachusetts filled the first authorized black regiments. Recruitment was slow until black leaders such as Frederick Douglass (photo citation: 200-FL-22) encouraged black men to become soldiers to ensure eventual full citizenship. (Two of Douglass’s own sons contributed to the war effort.) Volunteers began to respond, and in May 1863 the Government established the Bureau of Colored Troops to manage the burgeoning numbers of black soldiers.
By the end of the Civil War, roughly 179,000 black men (10% of the Union Army) served as soldiers in the U.S. Army and another 19,000 served in the Navy. Nearly 40,000 black soldiers died over the course of the war—30,000 of infection or disease. Black soldiers served in artillery and infantry and performed all noncombat support functions that sustain an army, as well. Black carpenters, chaplains, cooks, guards, laborers, nurses, scouts, spies, steamboat pilots, surgeons, and teamsters also contributed to the war cause. There were nearly 80 black commissioned officers. Black women, who could not formally join the Army, nonetheless served as nurses, spies, and scouts, the most famous being Harriet Tubman (photo citation: 200-HN-PIO-1), who scouted for the 2d South Carolina Volunteers.
Because of prejudice against them, black units were not used in combat as extensively as they might have been. Nevertheless, the soldiers served with distinction in a number of battles. Black infantrymen fought gallantly at Milliken’s Bend, LA; Port Hudson, LA; Petersburg, VA; and Nashville, TN. The July 1863 assault on Fort Wagner, SC, in which the 54th Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers lost two-thirds of their officers and half of their troops, was memorably dramatized in the film Glory. By war’s end, 16 black soldiers had been awarded the Medal of Honor for their valor.
In addition to the perils of war faced by all Civil War soldiers, black soldiers faced additional problems stemming from racial prejudice. Racial discrimination was prevalent even in the North, and discriminatory practices permeated the U.S. military. Segregated units were formed with black enlisted men and typically commanded by white officers and black noncommissioned officers. The 54th Massachusetts was commanded by Robert Shaw and the 1st South Carolina by Thomas Wentworth Higginson—both white. Black soldiers were initially paid $10 per month from which $3 was automatically deducted for clothing, resulting in a net pay of $7. In contrast, white soldiers received $13 per month from which no clothing allowance was drawn. In June 1864 Congress granted equal pay to the U.S. Colored Troops and made the action retroactive. Black soldiers received the same rations and supplies. In addition, they received comparable medical care.
The black troops, however, faced greater peril than white troops when captured by the Confederate Army. In 1863 the Confederate Congress threatened to punish severely officers of black troops and to enslave black soldiers. As a result, President Lincoln issued General Order 233, threatening reprisal on Confederate prisoners of war (POWs) for any mistreatment of black troops. Although the threat generally restrained the Confederates, black captives were typically treated more harshly than white captives. In perhaps the most heinous known example of abuse, Confederate soldiers shot to death black Union soldiers captured at the Fort Pillow, TN, engagement of 1864. Confederate General Nathan B. Forrest witnessed the massacre and did nothing to stop it.
The document featured with this article is a recruiting poster directed at black men during the Civil War. It refers to efforts by the Lincoln administration to provide equal pay for black soldiers and equal protection for black POWs. The original poster is located in the Records of the Adjutant General’s Office, 1780’s–1917, Record Group 94.
Article Citation
Freeman, Elsie, Wynell Burroughs Schamel, and Jean West. “The Fight for Equal Rights: A Recruiting Poster for Black Soldiers in the Civil War.” Social Education 56, 2 (February 1992): 118-120. [Revised and updated in 1999 by Budge Weidman.]
Hmmm. A Black Confederate of the Regiment Georgia Infantry.
The Black Confederate Soldier
“The Forgotten Black Confederate Soldier”
What we have been taught and come to believe has been edited, expurgated, abridged, censored and just plain rewritten for more than 140 years.
The words of Irish-born Confederate Major General Patrick Cleburne from his January, 1864, letter which proposed the mass emancipation and enlistment of Black Southerners into the Confederate Army express profoundly accurate prophecy:
Every man should endeavor to understand the meaning of subjugation before it is too late…It means the history of this heroic struggle will be written by the enemy; that our youth will be trained by Northern schoolteachers; will learn from Northern school books their version of the war; will be impressed by the influences of history and education to regard our gallant dead as traitors, and our maimed veterans as fit objects for derision…The conqueror’s policy is to divide the conquered into factions and stir up animosity among them… ….It is said slavery is all we are fighting for, and if we give it up we give up all. Even if this were true, which we deny, slavery is not all our enemies are fighting for. It is merely the pretense to establish sectional superiority and a more centralized form of government, and to deprive us of our rights and liberties.
In 2000 the $37 Million movie Ride With the Devil was suppressed in distribution and offered in only 200 theaters for a limited three-day engagement despite the fact that it was directed by Oscar-winning director Ang Lee and had received many excellent reviews. It was suppressed by its distributor, USA Films, because it factually portrayed a Black Confederate guerrilla fighting with Confederate Bushwhackers in the Kansas-Missouri operations. The video release of the movie was delayed for two months to allow removal of the image of the Black Confederate from the cover art. The character was based faithfully on Free Black John Noland who rode with Quantrill as a scout and spy.
Black Southerners fought alongside white, Hispanic, Indian, Jewish and thousands of foreign-born Southerners. They fought as documented by Union sources:
Frederick Douglass, Douglass’ Monthly, IV [Sept. 1861,] pp 516 – “there are at the present moment many colored men in the Confederate Army – as real soldiers, having muskets on their shoulders, and bullets in their pockets, ready to shoot down loyal troops, and do all that soldiers may do to destroy the Federal government…There were such soldiers at Manassas and they are probably there still.”
“Negroes in the Confederate Army,” Journal of Negro History, Charles Wesle, Vol. 4, #3, [1919,] 244-245 – “Seventy free blacks enlisted in the Confederate Army in Lynchburg, Virginia. Sixteen companies of free men of color marched through Augusta, Georgia on their way to fight in Virginia.”
“The part of Adams’ Brigade that the 42nd Indiana was facing were the ‘Louisiana Tigers.’ This name was given to Colonel Gibson’s 13th Louisiana Infantry, which included five companies of ‘Avegno Zouaves’ who still were wearing their once dashing traditional blue jackets, red caps and red baggy trousers. These five Zouaves companies were made up of Irish, Dutch, Negroes, Spaniards, Mexicans, and Italians.” – Noe, Kenneth W., Perryville: This Grand Havoc of Battle. The University of Kentucky Press, Lexington, KY, 2001. [page 270]
From James G. Bates’ letter to his father reprinted in the 1 May 1863 “Winchester [Indiana] Journal” [the 13th IVI [“Hoosier Regiment”] was involved in operations around the Suffolk, Virginia area in April-May 1863 ] – “I can assure you [Father,] of a certainty, that the rebels have negro soldiers in their army. One of their best sharp shooters, and the boldest of them all here is a negro. He dug himself a rifle pit last night [16 April 1863] just across the river and has been annoying our pickets opposite him very much to-day. You can see him plain enough with the naked eye, occasionally, to make sure that he is a “wooly-head,” and with a spy-glass there is no mistaking him.”
The 85th Indiana Volunteer Infantry reported to the Indianapolis Daily Evening Gazette that on 5 March 1863: “During the fight the [artillery] battery in charge of the 85th Indiana [Volunteer Infantry] was attacked by two rebel negro regiments.
After the action at Missionary Ridge, Commissary Sergeant William F. Ruby forwarded a casualty list written in camp at Ringgold, Georgia about 29 November 1863, to William S. Lingle for publication. Ruby’s letter was partially reprinted in the Lafayette Daily Courier for 8 December 1863: “Ruby says among the rebel dead on the [Missionary] Ridge he saw a number of negroes in the Confederate uniform.”
Federal Official Records, Series I, Vol XVI Part I, pg. 805: “There were also quite a number of negroes attached to the Texas and Georgia troops, who were armed and equipped, and took part in the several engagements with my forces during the day.”
Federal Official Records Series 1, Volume 15, Part 1, Pages 137-138: “Pickets were thrown out that night, and Captain Hennessy, Company E, of the Ninth Connecticut, having been sent out with his company, captured a colored rebel scout, well mounted, who had been sent out to watch our movements.”
Federal Official Records, Series I, Vol. XLIX, Part II, pg. 253 – April 6, 1865: “The rebels [Forrest] are recruiting negro troops at Enterprise, Miss., and the negroes are all enrolled in the State.”
Federal Official Records, Series I, Vol. XIV, pg. 24, second paragraph – “It is also difficult to state the force of the enemy, but it could not have been less than from 600 to 800. There were six companies of mounted riflemen, besides infantry, among which were a considerable number of colored men.” – referring to Confederate forces opposing him at Pocotaligo, SC., Colonel B. C. Christ, 50th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, official report of May 30, 1862
“Sargt said war is close to being over. saw several negros fighting for those rebels.” – From the diary of James Miles, 185th N.Y.V.I., entry dated January 8, 1865
Black Southerners also demonstrated loyalties based not on ownership, subservience or fear. The Confederate Burial Mound for Camp Morton, Indiana, at Indianapolis, Indiana, has bronze tablets which list the nearly 1200 Confederates who died at that camp. Among those names are 26 Black Southerners, seven Hispanic Southerners and six Indiaan Southerners.
At a time when those Black Southerners could have walked into the Camp Commander’s office, taken a short oath and signed their name to walk out the gates free men obliged to no one they chose instead to stay even unto death. Your understanding of that choice is likely nonexistent.
Union soldiers robbed, raped and murdered Free Black and slave Southerners they had come to “emancipate.” Union “recruiters” hunted, kidnapped and tortured Black Southerners to compel them to serve in the Union Army. At the Battle of the Crater white Union soldiers bayoneted retreating Black Union soldiers and the 54th Massachusetts was intentionally fired upon by Union Maine troops while assaulting Battery Wagner. The Federal Official Records and memoirs of the USCT document all of these war crimes.
Since the Civil War the United States flag has flown over a country that has continued attempted genocide against its Native Peoples with the able help of Black “Buffalo Soldiers,” condoned the slavery of Orientals in California well into the 1880s, fought wars to maintain dominance over countries whose people were not white, and imprisoned its own citizens because of the color of their skin as they did with the Japanese-Americans in California from 1941-1945.
It is time that the misrepresentation which has come to be accepted as “history” is restored to its full measure and the positive and negative aspects of all parties exposed for the consideration of all Americans.
The Patriotist–LG
posted by PoP The Southern American at 4:00 PM
Everything yous said is a lie. Get your facts straight before you go shooting off at the mouth.
I shall tell to you a personal story. When I was visiting a large, outdoor living history museum in Virginia about five years ago [a museum that shall remain nameless and had nothing to do with the Civil War], I overheard one of the museum’s staff interrupt a conversation between a museum interpreter and a visitor standing adjacent to me. The staff member interrupted the interpreter to say that the Confederates had an integrated military, with black soldiers fighting right next to white ones, and that the Confederates were therefore less prejudiced than the Union. After an uncomfortable silence, the interpreter resumed his previous conversation.
To keep from not laughing at the fool, I put to my hand over my mouth. Awkward, to say the least.
The comment made by this staff member was not only inappropriate to the museum’s focus and setting, but also seemed like a blatant falsehood. But could it possibly be true that blacks and whites fought together in Confederate units? To answer that question, technically no. There were of course no integrated units in the South.
However, much to my surprise, there may have actually been a few units of black troops that organized for the Confederates. A Harvard professor had recently done research on just this subject, and estimates that there may have been a bit over 3,000 black soldiers formed on the Confederate side
. Now before you get too excited, keep in mind that said professor also points out that many of these black soldiers were not accepted by the Confederate government and were not issued firearms: still more of these soldiers were coerced into joining the military, and others joined to escape miserable poverty.
A Professor Carol Sheriff of the College of William and Mary reinforces the notion that any blacks who fought did so somewhat involuntarily, by clarifying that some black body-servants may have taken up arms in the heat of battle to defend their masters and themselves, and even then they were sometimes forced to do so. She also makes the point that arming blacks or allowing them to fight in the military was illegal in the Confederacy. This makes it extremely difficult to claim that the Confederates used black troops, because refusing to allow them to fight and forcing them to join in the first place quashes the notion that they were soldiers.
In any case, they were present in such minuscule numbers that it’s difficult to validate their presence – these “soldiers” only represented about one half of one percent of the Confederate military strength.
The greatest single example of black Confederate soldiers – the Louisiana Native Guards, composed of black and mixed-race men from the New Orleans area – was not accepted by the Confederate military despite their wish to fight for the south when the war broke out. As a result, when the Union took New Orleans in spring of 1862, the Louisiana Native Guards joined the Union when Major General Benjamin Franklin Butler called for reinforcements.
On a side note, over 4,000 black and mixed-race men joined the Union army in New Orleans that spring, which outnumbers those that may have joined the Confederacy over the course of the entire war.
Revise anything else you like…..I just too smart for an fool like yourself to believe the bull crap the unless idiots blow up your backside.
The man! The myth! The legend!….the undeterred, and unflappable, Eric Rummerstrom, everybody!
“Not accepted by Confederate military.” This is completely gratuitous opinion. Just who is this anachronistic professor speaking on behalf of. Is there a source or a reference? This is the type of liberal elitist education that goes on at William and Mary. Gratuitous assertions that have no reference are indicative of extreme bias, so much bias, in fact, that no reference is provided to back up the argument! You should know this! The last post on this thread was full of reference assertions and you answer it referencing a story about an unknown guy at a Civil War museum? And that’s supposed to be a legitimately persuasive argument?
What Wayne, the baccalaureate graduate in history, who works as a MAIL MAN (that degree did him a lot of good), is doing, is just badgering us. He calls names, he rants about how people LOOK, but all he can do is call them liars when he doesn’t even look up the facts. I’d say we’ve spent enough time giving him what he wants- validating his pathetic existence.
David, it’s not a history question anymore, it’s a political question. Deconstructionists and revisionists have launched an attack on a symbol, actually the only symbol in the history of the United States, that threatens the existence of the federal government. That’s the bottom line. And, presenting it as racist (a term no one wants to be called in the 21st Century) is the best way to attack that symbol. In fact, presenting the history of those who fought against the federal government as primarily racist is a straw man argument against probably 98% of those who fought the war with a rifle instead of a pen or an argument before a legislative body. Perhaps many politicians voted to secede because their financial interests depended on slavery, but the 98% of the southern population were fighting for something else, and that something else was the right of sovereign states to rule themselves pursuant to the anti-federalist view of the Constitution and especially the 10th Amendment (which Thomas Jefferson said was the heart and soul of the Constitution). Had Thomas Jefferson been alive during the Civil War, he would most certainly have supported the Confederacy, and not for so simple minded a notion as slavery, but for the heart and soul of the Constitution.
This is what the “slavery crowd” ignores. It’s much easier to ignore the cancer and give all one’s attention to the headache. It’s much easier to just cry “racism!” and ignore the Constitutional and governance crisis in this country.
Preaching to the choir, Ruston!
I hired in as a letter carrier. I spent the majority of my career as counsel to the National Association of Letter Carriers in various positions. Just completed 30 years. I did a little post graduate work at Northlake. There is more to me that scratches the surface than what you purview on a Facebook page, Mr. Nosy.
Walking is good exercise, and hard work. From the [round] shape you’re in, you would have never made the cut.
Hahahahahahaha! A fucking mailman! It’s hard for morons to find jobs within their degree when they have such a low IQ and refuse to accept the truth or listen to anyone different. People don’t like know it all assholes. Guess that’s why you’re on here berating people. Does it make your teeny weeny feel bigger? Does it make you feel better about yourself? Truly pathetic.
Wayne is a blooming moron! I am part Native American{Cherokee} and I have ancestors and stories handed down by my relatives of Confederate troops that were of mixed races, including the Cherokee and other Native American tribes as well as BLACKS! This guy is nothing but a troll that has pouted so many inaccuracies it isn’t even nowhere near funny. He is given FACTS with REFERENCES that SUPPORT THESE FACTS, yet, he refuses to read or look at those. And for the record, my wife is also related to the former Confederate General Robert E. Lee and as stated, Lee DID NOT believe in slavery, he inherited some from someone, but freed them immediately, he refused to keep slaves or anyone in bondage. Something that Wayne just can’t not comprehend, but when you have a brain that’s smaller than a flea’s turd, it’s about all you can expect from people like him. No matter how many TRUE ACCURATE FACTS are stated, these brain dead morons will refute it with illogical diatribe and other asinine comments that bear NO TRUTH and HAVE NO FACTUAL REFERENCES to BACK THEIR CLAIMS! Sure glad there’s folks like David and others here that KNOW and have READ AND SEEN THE TRUTH and are putting out here for others to see and read. Even if it only changes ONE persons mind to see the real truth, it’s done the job that was intended. Sadly, some will NEVER see it because they are so BRAINWASHED {hence why they’re now a brain Dead Moron} they will never see anything but the foul odor and inaccurate information that they have been plugged into. If they could just unplug from their brain washing, they may actually finally see the real truth, not the pre-fabrications that so many push out as the truth, that truly IS NOT! Again, thanks to David and Erik for giving folks REAL FACTS, REFERENCES TO THOSE FACTS and for telling it like it SHOULD HAVE BEEN TAUGHT, Not how it is being taught! So sad our Colleges and Universities are setting these bad examples of perpetrating the lies and not the real truth of all this.
That statement about mass emancipation and enlistment of blacks wrecked his career and any chance of becoming a major general.
Now I know why you SAY you have a BA in History from a COLLEGE (not a university), then what do you do for a living? You’re a mailman! The pieces are falling into place! I DARE you to google up H. K. Edgerton, whose great grandfather was a sergeant in the CONFEDERATE ARTILLERY. Edgerton was keynote speaker at the 2012 Sons of Confederate Veterans reunion in Vicksburg, MS. BTW, google up Byron Thomas, or even “BLACK SOUTH CAROLINA UNIVERSITY STUDENT CONFEDERATE FLAG”, and you’ll find ANOTHER black Confederate descendant, who also claims his FREE ancestor VOLUNTEERED to fight for the Confederacy.
I see you had to stoop to insulting my 15-YEAR-OLD pic. After it was taken, I lost 186 pounds. But, since you wanted to go there, what’s YOUR excuse on your CURRENT PIC ON FACEBOOK? I’ll guarantee you, I weigh less than you do! I’d be glad to compare CURRENT pics, lardo!
David, maybe your body weighs less than Wayne’s but your brain seriously outweighs his.
Thanks again!
And the thing is, it has nothing to do with the subject at hand. I read some of his previous posts and what a surprise! He’s an angry man, excuse me, mailman. While being a Postal Service Worker is an honorable profession, he tries to come off as a college professor, which he is not. Good day sir!
Just so long as he doesn’t go POSTAL on us!
Read anything about fort Sumter before?
You don’t want to know the truth because it doesn’t square with your beliefs. That is called cognitive dissonance. Just because you majored in history does not mean you learned it well. It is sad that you insist on promoting lies and continuing to add to the division in our country.
Graduated Magna Cum Laude. I never was that good at algebra for some reason.
Hahahahshahsha bullshit. You’re a lying little shit just like your fellow liberals and your liberal president. If you had a degree you would know the truth. It’s a known fact liberals lie. Look no further than Obama and Hilary. It’s part of your indoctrination. Saul Alinsky absolves you of the sin of lying, doesn’t he? The ends justifies the means. Yep, we know what you dumb fucks are all about. Hatred and intolerance. You want to dictate what the rest of us do, how we live and what we believe in. You think you are better than the rest of us. It would be laughable if you weren’t so pathetic
I would venture to say the flying a Confederate flag contributes the most to division in our country. It is the flag of secession, slavery, and segregationists. There is no love or equality in it.
It’s also free speech. I should be able to fly whatever flag I want.the confederate flag is seen your way only be kook aid drinking idiots like you. It’s history. Why are you assholes so intent on erasing our history. You’re just jealous at how well we are doing down here. We don’t need you assholes.
Nobody wants to erase history. We just don’t want a repeat of the same stupid history that “good ole’ boys” like yo’self try to tell in some offshoot revised version.
You sound much like you need an asshole. Sh*t is starting to run out of your ears now.
The democrats have had the Nigger in slavery, for 40-50 years. History has already repeated itself. The Negro is more in slaved today than they were then.
Did you get that off back of a pamphlet at you last KKK meeting?
You’re so fucking witty. And juvenile. What’s it to you if I want to fly a confederate flag. Mind you, I’ve never owned one in spite of the fact that my family came to SC in 1790 and owned a rice plantation. The gay flag is ok, the ISIS flag is ok but a confederate battle flag is not? Bullshit. It is my first amendment right to fly that flag if I so choose. That’s the difference between asshole liberals like you and conservatives like myself. You want to force people to believe what you believe. You want to FORCE people to change their lives because of YOUR ideology whether we agree with it or not. That’s not freedom. I don’t condemn your right to fly whatever flag you wish. You don’t want a free country . You want to change and force people into your beliefs. That’s not America. If you condemn the confederate flag you must also condemn the American flag. We were a slave nation before the war. And look at what our American flag did to native Americans. They spilled a lot of blood. Why are you not calling for that flag to be taken down? It’s because you are the most hypocritical people out there. You’re self centered, self absorbed, intolerant hypocrites who think your way is the only way and you know so much better how I should run my life. You’re a liar and a complete ass. You think you’re smart which makes it all the more pathetic that you think you are smart and witty. You’re neither.
Back the truck up a few dings there for a second Sling Blade! I told you what that flag symbolizes, and why it it shouldn’t fly over any government installation, Numb Nuts!
Personally, I don’t care if you put it on a pole, shove the pole up your ass, and run around naked that way!
And you are wrong in what it symbolizes, plain and simple. You have no earthly idea what it symbolizes to me and most born and bred southerners. You are so closed minded that you can’t fathom that your view could be wrong. The KKK hijacked the flag, but it in no way symbolizes slavery. It was any kong battle flag. It never flew over the Confederacy. To is the flag means perservence, it symbolizes the strength southerners found within them to overcome everything assholes like you threw at them. People like you are intolerant, self absorbed douches who get their rocks off belittling and arguing with conservatives. Truth is people like you are courageous behind a keyboard, but too big a pussy to say things to someone’s face. You are a minority’s. True Americans will win in the end. True Americans stand for something. We aren’t sniveling little sissy boys who want the government to control everything we do.
If the flag never flew over the Confederacy, why do you insist that it fly over a state capital? People like you make the Southern part of the USA the shit stain in America’s underwear.
BTW ~ I’m not arguing with you. I’m telling you why I’m right!
You just proved my point that you’re an arrogant asshole. I never said it had to fly over the statehouse. I’m a shit stain? Screw you. I’m proud of my Southern heritage and I have every right to be. It just pisses you people off that we refuse to be manipulated by jerks like you. Look at the comments. I believe you’re out numbered. I’m not a racist, nor have I ever been one. Before it was popular my great grandfather adopted a disabled black boy when his mother died. When I was young Shorty was in his 40’s but he had the mind of an eight year old. We brought him coloring books and crayons every time we went to the farm because that was his favorite thing. I spent many hours as a child coloring with Shorty. Look at what happened in my home state. After the Charleston shooting we didn’t riot, we didn’t look or burn anything. We came together, black and white. That hasn’t happened in the cities run by your liberal idols. We treat each other with respect here. And that pisses you off that we don’t fall into your mold, your racist view that all southerners hate blacks or that we want to own slaves again. Neither is true, even with the flag. White Southern Christians seem to be the only group that can’t celebrate our heritage which is more than owning slaves. You love to throw the slavery of 150 years ago, but what are you doing about the slavery that still exists today. What have you done about the Radical Muslims who throw gay people off of buildings because they are gay? You guys love to show how non racist you are but nothing could be further from the truth. You are a racist – you hate a group of people for who we are. But you keep living up there on your high horse you self righteous, hypocritical, arrogant backward SOB. Things have a way of falling apart for people who hate and you’re nothing more than a hater. It must suck to have such an ill disposition. I could almost feel sorry for you, but this shit stain has a hard time feeling sympathetic toward fakers and haters like you. You’ll get what’s coming to you. You’ll pay for being a racist pig who lacks respect for anyone who doesn’t tow the liberal line. You are completely wrong and backwards in your thinking. I refuse to waste another moment on someone as shitty as you are.
Really? It must be horrible living like a complete moron. The flag didn’t fly over Ferguson or Baltimore, but blacks chose to riot and destroy their own neighborhoods. In fact when tragedy struck SC Charleston residents came together in harmony- the same way we live today. Our president has caused more division that the confederate flag. I certainly hope you didn’t procreate. I would hate to see a child burdened with your racist intolerant moronic DNA.
Really Wayne, you just showed your true ass on that one. 3,000 black Confederate Cavalrymen fought in the Stonewall Jackson Brigade by itself, not even mentioning the rest of the CSA. They participated in the Shenandoah Campaign in the early part of the war before Jackson was killed at Chancellorsville and way before Gettysburg. Change the truth? Hell, we’ve got pictures of them! And the mention of 3,000 of them comes from a union officer’s report! Hell, in the 1860 US Census there are 800 freed blacks in New Orleans that owned slaves themselves! But don’t take my word for it, look it up. But don’t look it up unless you are open to changing your mind about a lot of things! That’s the problem with research and study: it makes the world look a lot different than you originally assumed it.
Because the laws of the southern states forbid the manumission of slaves, the free blacks had to still own their “slaves” after they worked to buy their freedom. Such ignorance! It was against the law in most southern states to arm free blacks or slaves. One politician even stated that if blacks made good soldiers, then the racial subjugation the Confederates were fighting for was wrong.
OMG you are stupid. Blacks did volunteer for their freedom in the civil war and plus volunteered in many other wars. BA in history my ass.
Most of them volunteered for the Union Army. 100-1 ratio went to the Union. The laws of the Southern states tried to keep slaves illiterate and stupid, but it only worked on the ones who went Confederate.
You are misguided young man
He’s a stupid intolerant arrogant young man
Oh yes they did Moron. It just eats you people up that some southerners treated their slaves like family. When you Yankees forced slaves off the plantation you gave them nowhere to go. They wandered the South with no shelter and no food.you Yankees took everything not nailed down, burned our crops and killed our livestock. I have silver my family buried on the back yard because they had nothing left. Many slaves ended up back at the plantations and even tho we couldn’t afford it Southerners gave them land, shelter and paid them to work on the farm.
Many blacks owned slaves also. The ships that brought slaves here were Yankee built and Yankee financed and Yankee sailed. The North made a killing selling slaves. The American flag flew over s slave nation. Slavery was legal and Many Northerners owned slaves. That must eat you up. The KKK used the American flag as well as the confederate flag. You guys just can’t stand that the South rose out of the ashes Yankees left us with and we became the new south. Better than the North. Look no further than Charleston SC.the pastor that was killed was pro flag. You guys rioted and looted your own cities. What did Charleston do? They came together black and white. That’s who we are. That’s what bugs you guys. We are strong and independent. You’re just a slave to your government. How many people retire and move north?
Wow! While I am shocked I must say I am not surprised. Libtards usually resort to name calling when they run out of facts, which usually does not take very long. Temper, temper! You are going to have an aneurism.
For someone with a (ahem) college degree in history, you don’t seem to have learned enough. There are black men who belong to the Sons of Confederate Veterans, and black women who belong to the United Daughters of the Confederacy, because they descend from black people who volunteered to fight for the Confederacy. There were also free black men who fought for the Confederacy (no, they were not slaveowners either, although history records that many free blacks did own slaves). The famous Siamese twins, Chang and Eng Bunker, were also supporters of the Confederacy. See how much you missed in history class, young fella? 🙂
Key word was volunteered……….they never fought along side Confederate troops as they were never accepted into the ranks.
Actually….they were accepted more readily than blacks were accepted in the Union Army. You didn’t know that, now did you? Jews were also accepted much more easily in the South than in the North, where antisemitsm was rampant.
Wow! I think you may have gave him an education he can talk about! Mabe he PD attention this time! Good job ! Thanks
Thanks, but I doubt it. The kool-aid drinkers are rarely transformed by facts.
He didn’t pay attention. Liberals are the worst people on earth. They are selfish, arrogant self absorbed, self righteous, hypocritical pieces of excrement who are completely intolerant of anyone else’s feelings or rights or opinions. If you don’t believe exactly as they do they get their pussy little panties in a wad and stomp their little feet like a 3 year old. This particular asshole just called me and my southern history a shit stain. That makes him a hater of a group of people. Makes him a racist too.
Didn’t you know? Racism and bigotry is verboten against any group BUT white, male, Christian Southerners? Growing up here in the North I have heard more than my fair share of the inbred Jed jokes, the jokes about Southern accents, Southern food, Southern fat people (as if we Yankees don’t have a lot of fat people too!)
Thank you AJ. My name is Robin Henderson Aristides. Look me up on fb. Sounds like you have an interesting story to tell.
Boom! Took that boy to school and back!!
Thanks David. Loved reading your dissertation above and so happy I’m not the only one pointing this out to folks. But a history professor told me when I was an undergraduate at The Citadel: “Simple minds like simple solutions.” In all my time exhausting myself with diatribes quite similar to what you wrote above I have learned how true that professor’s words actually are. Just finished Masters number two and graduate degree number three at UVA, but the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences there has become simple minded as well. But keep preaching brother. Someone’s bound to actually pay attention beyond the simple solution eventually and know that I’m with you!
I have been preaching against this poser in chief since before he was elected the first time. He is transparent to me because in most of his speeches he was making outrageous promises. Promises that he could not ever legally keep. Legally being the key word, he tried to do anyway. He is a usurper and an evil incarnate man. He made promises that he would change this law and that law, all the while knowing that even as President, he does not make the laws. That is the job of the House. Obama never heard of the separation of powers evidently. Well, too hot here for an extended rant. Thank you sir for your point of view, it is well appreciated.
Amen David !
Well done Sir! Thank you for your time and input!
Hundreds in the secesh army. Hundreds of thousands in the Union army. Can you see the difference. The black folks knew who was fighting for them, and who was against them.
secesh? That isn’t even a word. BTW, I noted that a UNION general reported seeing THOUSANDS of black Confederate soldiers while watching Confederate troop movements of a couple of regiments. He also noted that they were dressed in the same uniforms as their white counterparts, similarly armed, unlike the 69th New York of “Glory” fame, which was a segregated unit.
As for who was for and who was against, why don’t you try asking the black members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans? Speaking of “against them”, Anthony Hervey, a black SCV member, had just attended a pro-Confederate flag rally in Alabama and was on his way home with his wife. His car was rammed and run off the road by anti-Confederate battle flag protestors. He was killed and his wife seriously injured. Tell me how much “for” the blacks these people are!
Then why did you MORONS in the North REFUSE to allow blacks INTO THE NORTH after the war? Answer that one know~it~all but truly KNOWS NOTHING! Blacks were NOT welcome in the North and were told to stay out. Many after the war, like one had stated, moved into the South because of the MISTREATMENT the NORTH was doing to them. You’re about as bright as a burned out miniature Christmas bulb!
David, if memory serves me, New Jersey still had slaves until the Emancipation Proclamation.
Grant had slaves and did not free them until after the war. Lee, however inherited his slaves, but he did not believe in slavery and gave his their freedom before the war. We had a right to secede, but Lincoln invaded the south. Not the other way around.
I’m not sure. I just knew for a fact that Maryland and Delaware were Union slave states. I didn’t see anything about New Jersey, but thanks for letting me know, so I can research it.
“According to Snell, James P. History of
Sussex and Warren Counties, New Jersey, With Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers.
(Philadelphia: Everts & Peck, 1881). No ISBN (Pre-1964). Note:
Several families in northwestern New Jersey (Sussex County) had slaves
who, while legally “freed” by their owners, refused to leave their
former masters.” I am not sure if this counts, but there were slaves in New Jersey.
My childhood nanny was born in 1897 in SC, she told me her grandparents had been set free in 1865 but begged to stay with their former masters because they had become like family. Because their former masters let them stay, they survived. She told me many slaves starved and became homeless due to instant emancipation (the Freedmens Bureau didn’t have enough funds to help all of them.)
You’re right. Many people treated their slaves like family. The Union army came thru and literally threw slaves off the plantations with nowhere for them to go. It was Southerners who took them in gave them land and a house and paid them to
Work on the plantation even this we could scarcely afford it after the Yankees took everything that wasn’t nailed down. My great grandfather adopted the retarded son of a granddaughter of a slave from our plantation. When I was a kid Shorty was in his early 40’s. He loved to color so he would sit with all the great grandchildren on the floor of the den coloring. He was just another kid to us. Not all Southerners were mean slave owners. But that’s not taught in school anymore.
None of this was ever taught in the PA schools I went to. If not for Miss Lula, I never would have known.
A BA degree in History!!! Get your money back because you didn’t learn a damn thing boy!!! Go to: http://goo.gl/YBwVYy maybe you’ll learn a thing or two!!! Calling yourself a TEXAN is an insult to the rest of us TEXANS and I take offense!!! I’m guessing by your comments, that you went to t.u. and you’re currently living in the liberal cesspool of the state also known as Austin! I may not have “Degree” but I have a DD-FORM 214. 25 years of dedicated service to our great nation and it’s people, both black and white! And, my DD-FORM 214 will get me into more job opportunities and Respect than your degree anywhere, anytime!!!
John Dixon, I’ve got a DD 214 and seven years of post graduate education and trust me, your DD 214 is worth a helluva lot more than his sorry ass abortion of a BA. And thanks for your service to this country of ours. Looks like we shed blood in the same mud. But Wayne Langley wouldn’t know anything about that now, would he?
My mother used to call them “educated idiots”. lol
They should kick your ass out of Texas. You clearly don’t belong there. And obviously the tyrannical federal government didn’t win shit because we are still around waving that flag today and being public about it. So come and try to take it down asshole.
Texas was formed because of slavery. Mexico had abolished slavery in 1822, and the Mexicans were getting serious about enforcing it on the newly migrated Americans who brought their slaves with them. That is the main cause of Texas, and they would still have it if the USA Constitution didn’t forbid slavery.
I have to disagree with you here Mr. Fiddler1861. Mexicans didn’t give a hoot about slaves. They were more concerned about how many Americans were coming into Texas. They enacted strict laws on Texas which made the Americans mad. The reason for the strict laws is that they were afraid of losing control of Texas. The Americans rebelled. Thus you had the Alamo in 1836. Then in 1848 you had the Mexican War. The Mexicans were only concerned about control of Texas. Besides the bravery displayed in the Civil War by Texans. The men who fought for the Alamo were very brave indeed.
STFU, Bubba Sparxxx!
Damn, what a moron….
Could not agree more with you Jeff. Quite a few of them here actually.
So Wayne, you are saying that everyone who flies the battle flag now is a racist? I proudly wave the battle flag and in my heritage, my family were quakers and that if they did own a slave it was to set them free through the underground railroad that my family was a huge part of. So how’s that for your history you closed minded educated idiot.
The black folks and progressives do not know that your ancestors were Quakers. They do know that most of the flaggers have been and are racists, and that puts you in bad company whenever you display that flag. At that time period, you would have had dozens of ancestors, some probably owned slaves. It is a shameful act to wave that flag in the faces of the older black people that suffered under segregation, and this flag was THE emblem of that.
Come to Georgia, say that face to face with any Good Georgia Boy, and we will show you a couple things you need to know. How to carry an ass whippin to Texas for one thing.
Whatever, peckerwood!
Hey guys, let’s ease up a bit. We are all brothers and sisters. If the war teaches us anything it is that we need to stick together, there are enough enemies, foreign and domestic to fight with. Anger at each other diminishes us all. Now our current government is a different story.
While on the surface I agree with you, I cannot be nice to people who are this intolerant and racist toward me for something I never did. I cannot sit back and let people call me a shit stain on history because I am a proud southerner. People like that will always be self righteous. They have a pathological need to belittle people to make themselves fell better about who they are.
For an allegedly, educated fellow you sure say some weird stuff.
How in the world can anyone “listen” to what you type onto a blog without sound capability.
Who do you think you are to demand people “listen” to you about anything, when none of us know if you’re even trained to wipe your own ass?
slavery was one of those laws, sir. And please recall that people at that time operated the way their parents and grandparents and further did. People were more traditional back then. At that time and before, the Union army was committing mass genocide ion the natives here. The Choctaw and Cherokee nations joined the CSA because they had good reason to want the Union kept out of their lands–a situation that southerners weren’t all that interested in. most of the mixed natives are Scots/Cherokee because the south was more interested in trading with them than killing them. Native Americans have a history of slavery as well. It was common for ALL victors EVERYWHERE to enslave the conquered. It seems to be human nature. Presently there are more slaves right this very second than there ever were at any time in history–but because most of them are women from Guatemala, and other areas of Central America, you big Union people don’t give a rat’s ass. People engaged in activities that we certainly wouldn’t think of now, and there were southern anti-slavery people in growing numbers–it WOULD have gone away. Also, no one is wishing that they had slaves anymore, but it seems that genocide against blacks is a national sport–and not just in the south. People like to focus on the south because they had the NERVE to try and separate themselves from oppressive taxation and other measures meant to make the north wealthy and rob the southerners of their due. The fact that this involved slaves–whose product was sold in the north, became the political hot button to enflame people’s hearts and patriotic spirit. Today–the cultures are different–by food, music, manner of speaking–there is no reason NOT to have that flag on private property and where the majority of people find comfort in remembering a time wherein their ancestors actually gave an oppressive government a good run for their money. I would hope that everyone would take that as an inspiration, should people like Rupert Murdoch, Kochs, etc decide that the entire population of this country is here to sweat for a pittance to subsist. It is that rebel spirit that will keep us from just rolling over and taking it. I am from Milwaukee WI–and this is how I feel about it, and I voted for Obama-twice
hey Charlie Wayne is ignorant and anti American . so that sums it up
I am a born Yankee and a political independent with liberal tendencies as regards social values, but conservative fiscally–the Confederate flag does not offend me–in fact I have two in my home and I donate to the maintenance of the Confederate Cemetery in Fayetteville, AR—we are not all the same
Ms. Brooks – I want to say thank you for donating to the maintenance of the Confederate Cemetery in Fayetteville, AR. That is very generous of you.
I have met a lot of liberals who feel as you do, which surprised me! Thank you for being pro-Southern!
people can’t seem to remember that the Union was very busy wiping out native Americans–who, for that reason, joined the confederacy–so this Wayne idiot here–is ignoring the fact that genocide is a way worse crime than slavery–which was legal at that time–
All those southerners are dead!!! Yay!!!! Hope they all made it to hell scuffed up and bruised, may they all rest in piss
They are having sex with your virgins
Allah is worthy of All the Praise, Allah blessed America with Obama Allahuakbar
LOL — I can see that you’re about nothing- no honor- I will not talk to those who have no honor- I hope you get arrested soon
You forget to name your masters degree in bed-wetting liberalism 101……
You mean B.A.? A masters education in history would especially be embarrassing with his revisionist history. At least with a B.A. he can claim he did not get thoroughly educated in history. I wonder if any of the courses focused on the period during the civil war and if so how much because he sounds completely uneducated in it.
Wow Wayne’o, you should appreciate that when freedoms are taken away, no one has freedoms. I was raised in the north and never concerned much about the Confederate flag but I support the right to own and display one if you want. True freedom lets you or I believe as we choose. Pass on or shut your eyes if you don’t like it. No one left you the moral guardian so quit acting like one. Most people I know with degrees in History are judgmental and snobby. Guess it must come with the degree. Guess i’ll keep my Masters in IT degree, it pays better than history.
Ha ha……yes, IT pays better than history. I love history but never got a degree in it. I have bought numerous history books to add to my personal library for reference purposes, particularly on the founders. I love when someone flaunts their education to make their point though. Someone else comes along and trumps it. Great comments by the way!
What HYPER liberal university did you attend, most indoctrinate students from day one into feeeeeling hate at EVERYTHING traditional, American and its history and ALL perceived wronges.
What history was you reading? Then you should know the paper writing about slavery was in the north. You should know it was factory slavery, then you should know that after the war the freed slave came south and share cropped to live. The factories of the north would not hire them.
Go back and read some more history Wayne, at least until you are able to define what you mean by the “white race.” How ignorant! And I guess that includes Eastern Europeans, Scandinavians, Norwegians, English and Scots-Irish and many more that I failed to mention? And they are all guilty? You realize that the plurality of European settlers in America were poor white trash Scots-Irish who never owned a slave and who were even looked down upon by the slaves? Don’t you dare blame that ethnicity for anything except keeping you free because they also make up the preponderance of people in the US military since 1775. Time to go back to school Wayne, and learn how not to paint with such a broad brush. Or just keep listening to all the garbage revisionist history the elitists keep tossing around.
So what? Obama is taught Constitutional law and he obviously has no comprehension of the subject.
You claim to have a BA in history? You must have been schooled with Northern textbooks as I was in the Northeast. Fortunately for me I had a black “grandma” from the South (b 1897, g daughter of former slaves) who despite that loved the South and helped correct some of what was in my books. That inspired me to study further. Maybe if you didn’t just suck in what Yankees taught you, you’d know the truth.
If you are so up in arms about slavery, and how bad history should be deleted, what about the pharaohs and how the pyramids were made? should you not boycott to have the pyramids taken down? Despite all that, in every culture there is some type of dark history that instead of dwelling on it we need to learn from it.
The pyramids were not built by slaves, but by paid artisans. Even if you believe the Hebrew slavery myth, that was 1000 years after the pyramids were built. Even if every nation and culture had slaves, it still does not make the southern racial slavery system any less immoral.
The Confederacy was the only nation to be formed solely for the perpetuation of slavery, and that makes it and its symbols immoral.
What about trying to stay on topic, and stop with the equating apples to oranges thing?
You can claim any of that stuff from one end of Europe to another. How about checking into African, Chinese or Indian history. Every country has hundreds of years of bad stuff happening in it and people still fly the flags of those nations. If you studied history, you know the North did not invade the South over slavery because the North was as racist if not more than the South. The Union couldn’t let the South go because they needed the money and materials the South provided. If you read more than one textbook or historical document, you would know this. I could recommend Alexis deTocqueville’s, Democracy in America, for one. The information on the 1860 US Census would be helpful noting that the South had over 35,000 more FREE blacks than the North. The South committed not treason as it was not illegal to secede. If it was, there wouldn’t have been several attempts to pass laws saying so. Your limited information about the reasons for the war call for another look. Lincoln’s confessed reason for the war was to “preserve the Union”. What was there to “preserve”? They had more states than they started with. The three branches of government were unaffected. The governments of the other twenty-plus other states were still in affect, so what was there to preserve? According to Lincoln himself, the US Treasury. The South leaving would destroy 40%-75% of the money brought into the US Treasury, as well as northern industries and shipping which relied very heavily on Southern products: cotton, tobacco, sugar cane and others.
Ranger, want to know what I find so damned amusing about the “secession” and “traitor” remarks against the South, just how many states, BOTH North and South not too long ago tried to SECEED from the US because of Obamacare? Seems NOT ONE PERSON recalls that that spouts their inaccurate info against the South. And in case anyone hasn’t been listening to the news lately, Texas IS trying to SECEED once again from the US and be it’s own country. And they can not be considered a traitor, nor treasonous because it is still a viable alternative today that is still alive and well on the books. Any state that wants to secede today STILL HAS THAT RIGHT! Our Forefathers saw to that! Plus didn’t we do the same thing to Mother England and the Crown when we SECEEDED from them to come here for the very SAME REASONS the South was trying to secede from the Union? Sure was! But seems no one wants to see the day we celebrate our “Freedom” from, July 4, is actually a day of treason and traitors to the Crown and England. A bit ironic wouldn’t you think?
I have a BA degree in history myself from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee–and I think you missed a few classes or had the wrong teachers
In Wayne’s case that B.A. stands for BULLSHIT ANTAGONIST! Now that I could believe. ROFL
I think you’re a lying sack of Shiite myself.
“I have a degree, ba in history” , “I have read about it at some point and time”. Wow imagine how much better we feel with a history major espousing he “read about it at some point in time”. I think not. And some sort of proof is required, especially with your lack of knowledge and your babbling some liberal talking point.
Your BA in history doesn’t count if you earned it through sending in Fruit Loops proof of purchases. Name me one person’s heritage who is free of any of those? Show me a single banner where none of those things never occurred under them…by the way, tell me who the second largest slave holder in S.Carolina was…and tell me who the father of slavery in the U.S. is and then tell me what you’re decrying as purely a white enigma is somehow based in fact…or are you just oxygen challenged because the tard-media tells you so?
Who cares? Is Jesus Christ good to go for ya? You obviously haven’t the wherewithal to pour piss from a boot, nor the acumen to open whilst window before attempting to dissipate said urine from said boot.
That’s all you had? A diatribe of ad hominem…at least flesh it out with something substantial. Some how prove to me two brain cells in your head have actually found each other.
It took you three weeks to come up with this Pulitzer Prize winning short story? [roll eyes] You weren’t down in the county jail serving time for non support again were you? I thought down your way, having formally being married to your sister, you were exempt from that sort of stuff.
Well, Obama is trying to mae up for lost time.
Why do the ivory tower elitists always throw their college degrees out there? It means NOTHING, its just a piece of paper proving your daddy had the money to let you party for 4 years, lol! I have studied this war for 40 years on my own, I didn’t need to pay anyone to teach it to me.
Didn’t cost me a dime. I went on an athletic scholarship. Graduated in the top 5% of my class.
And now you deliver mail?
I did for a short period of time. You got something against hard working people?
I had taken some dispute resolution classes also. Became a well respected union negotiator, and grievance arbitrator.
Do you have a problem with that also, pinhead?
And if you had REALLY gotten a true education on this flag, you’d know it did not become a “racist” symbol until the 1960s.
Ah, a true southerner 🙂
> My GG~Grampa fought and died with the 18th Alabama Infantry. Mr. Langley can go crawl back into his latrine…
didn’t you say your great grandfather was a Confederate soldier?
Wayne Langley LooneyLeft • 12 hours ago
My great grandfather fought with in a regiment from Arkansas. Doesn’t mean I want to fly some racist symbol on my front porch.
Yup you did so that makes you a traitor to your own lineage. I’m sure your great grandfather is proud of you for not supporting him for fighting for something he believed in… asshole
Never met the man, so I wouldn’t know.
Considering the Civil War was fought by brother against brother, father against son, etc. your point is nil, null and void…….asshole.
News Flash College Grad with a BA in History, a “civil” war is defined as, when two or more factions are fighting over the SAME system of governance.
I assure you Einstein, that wasn’t the case when Yankee Imperialists invaded Sovereignty, while raping, murdering and pillaging the Southern colonies’ women and children.
You ate crayons and licked windows as a child, didn’t you?
I am also going to bet, you got your BA in History off the backs of buses.
You are the true definition of a White Guilt Ridden Slave to the State.
Gracious, Senor SexForUs.
I always enjoy reading the maniacal rantings from the right wing nut job unhinged lunatic fringe.
Let’s me know that I’ve gotten so far under their thin skinned heads, they’ve resorted to pulling on their testicles so hard they had to be rushed to the emergency room in a vain attempt to save what little balls they have left.
Adios, amigos!
“Let’s me know”, really?
You’re an idiot, as well as being more proof of indoctrination via an “education” by Statist Pigs, has ruined the planet.
Stop procreating, your kind has caused enough Global Stupidity.
Your point is null dumbass……. just as the American flag is a part of our heritage……so is the confederate flag….look around you and see the mess we live in…..point your aggression to something that really matters and get off the flag. Who gives a rats karoo tie if you have a bs in history!
I’ve a feeling the only time you’ve made a salient point was by sticking your head in the pencil sharpener.
10,000 comedians out of a job ……………and you trying to be funny! When you haven’t got an answer for the facts all you can do is try and make a joke…..
As long as teatards like Trump, and the rest of loony tune Republicans walk the face of the earth, no comedian, I repeat no comedian, will ever be out of a job. Now do us all a favor, and burn off MoFo!
For someone who claims to be so educated…….you sure as hell are showing your ignorance . Please tell me who has been in the Whitehouse for the last 6.5 years you dumbass? If someone is out of a job right now it’s because there are no shovel ready jobs …no wait….if you like your dr. You can keep him…no waot….not a smidgen of corruption….no wait …..no bengazi….no wait ……no IRS scandle……no wait…….no nsa spying……no wait……..
MoFo? Yep, Langley’s showing how “educated” he really is! Really, boy, you should grow up if you want to debate. Name-calling just shows that you are incapable of arguing the “merits” of your case, which are non-existent in YOUR rants
The REAL flag of oppression has NOTHING to do with the Confederacy.
In fact, we won our independence from the Brits as The Confederate States of America.
1.2 million slaves were brought here from Portugal, the rest from the Dutch.
It was and still is, the Battle Flag against government oppression.
Pay attention.
Quit being a pansy, Wayne. Be an American. Don’t like something? Get over it and move along.
And if YOUR heritage includes freedom of speech as long as YOU agree with it, denying peoples right to honor a heritage which differs from yours, then the flag for you is the communist Russian flag! Why do you support the American flag? It flew over the nation when slavery was began. It flew over America when the native Americans were forcefully uprooted from their land & forced to move! Lets also ban it!
I don’t know where you’re from, Mister Langley…..but Quakers were whipped through Boston and hung…..money from the slave-trade directly profited the Ivy League Schools of New England, this entire country resulted from an act of “treason” (depends on whose history you’re reading)….and you can just ask any Native American about “hate” and “tyranny” (and, no, not 200 years ago, inthe misty past). Equipped with a minimal grasp of American history, one could go on and on and on in this vein. In short?…..do enjoy your moment of self-congratulation and ignorance of your own complicity (and, for the matter, current profiting and financial security) in MANY evil acts over the past 250 years.
Quite Sincerely, David Terry
I would state that the flag of ISIS would more closely represent those things.
Wayne Langley, I guess you mean the Democrat party as they founded the KKK, so OK lets disband the Democrat party. Got any other good Ideas. My guess is you affiliate with if not a member of the Democrat party.
Wayne go read your history. That was a battle flag so the soldiers would know who was north and who was south. That is why it is southern heritage. The war was to separate from the federal government. It was about taxes. Please don’t let a few lairs lead you by the nose. The north was in here burning homes, burning crops, raping women, and the south was saving their roofs, food, and family. Please read history before 1950 so you learn the real truth.
You are an ignorant idiot.
You must be referring to something else because it definitely was none of those. This flag was not the confederate flag but a battle flag. Your comment reveals your lack of knowledge on the history of it. Rather you are regurgitating popular myths. The following is what the flag stood for.
Red – Red represented the valor of the Confederacy. As in the case of the original United States flag, it represented hardiness and the willingness to sacrifice. Red was used as a background of the most popular flag, the “Battle Flag.” Other flags showed white as the background.
White – In the language of flags, white represents purity. Innocence of ideas is what is attempted to be represented by using white. Some Christians also attribute the usage of white in a flag as sign of the represented country’s allegiance to God and his son.
Blue – The blue of the Confederate flag is a dark or navy blue. This blue was also known as “Bonnie Blue.” The blue of the flag later was also known to represent justice as well as the perseverance and determination of the people.
Stars – Beauregard added one star to the Confederate flag for each of the states in the Confederacy. The first seven stars represented belonged to South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas. After the Battle of Fort
Sumter, stars were added for Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennesee, Missouri, and Kentucky. There were eventually 13 stars.
Cross – What looks like an X on the “Confederate Jack” is actually the cross of Saint Andrew. Andrew was the first disciple of Jesus who later in life became a martyr. When the Roman government set about his crucifixion, Andrew protested. It is reported he asked to be crucified in the form of the X as he didn’t feel worthy to die in the same manner of Jesus. The Confederate leadership apparently felt inspired by Andrew’s fortitude and adopted his cross into their flag.
Negatory, Armyvet81.
Long story, short. The South came up with the lame “Stars & Bars” because they kept shooting at their own men because the had so many flags.
Wayne Langley, you are suppose to have a BA in history and you just called the flag the Stars and Bars? The flags name is the Southern Cross. The Stars and bars was the first flag of the Confederacy that was used 1861-1863. And it did not have the cross anywhere on it. If you are so very educated in history, you would at least know the names of the flags.
I thought Southern Cross was a song by CS&N about a sailing ship. Thanks for the enlightenment there, Maxwell House.
Don’t call me Maxwell House, I used your correct name you can do the same in return.
No………you were trying to pick nits is all.
Your the one that is claiming this grand education, it isn’t nit picking to expect you to know the correct name for something. All it proves is every one of the hundreds of people on here that have called you a moron and an idiot. They are correct. So little Wayne piss off.
I pointed out that I had a degree in history, and all you low IQ mullet wearing loony tunes went crazy trying to revise the truth.
I prefer to call it the Stars & Bars…….or as it more commonly known as……the flag of losers since 1865. Your heritage is nothing more than that of a loser isn’t it then.
So prefer to call it by the wrong name? Oh sure that makes sense. You’re to stupid to call it by its correct name.
Try using the word too, instead of to.
Nice your a grammar NAZI tooooooo!
It’s you’re, or as I prefer, you are.
I guess you decided to attack grammar now that you lost so bad on the history you were suppose to know. Good for you! Stick with something you know. Because you sucked at History!!
Think as you wish.
YOU ARE a racist prick……you ain’t hard to figure out, and TOO chicken shit to admit to it.
Well since part of my immediate family is interracial, and we all get along just fine, and love each other very much. I think you will need to find a different insult. That one just doesn’t hold water.
It is so sad that I am just screwing with you to keep you posting so that everyone can see what a true dumb ass you really are, and you just keep proving it over and over. Thank you for not being smart enough to realize that you moron ass is being had.
Mr. Langley – No my heritage is not hate, slavery, treason or tyranny. I’m not sure why you said tyranny when there was no tyrant in the South. If you have ever studied the Civil War then you know that most of those soldiers were not fighting for slavery. Why would they fight so hard for something they would never have. I’ve studied that war. I’ve seen the pictures of the field hospitals of amputated arms and legs piled head high. These men fought with bravery, courage and determination. AND I WILL HONOR THOSE MEN WHO FOUGHT FOR THE CONFEDERACY. AND YOU NOR ANYONE ELSE WILL EVER SHAME ME OR CONVINCE ME NOT TO HONOR THEM. I WILL FLY MY FLAG EVEN WHEN MY SOUTHERN STATE REFUSES TO!!!!! And by the way Mr. Langley – you could use a good lesson in manners sir. I’ve read your personal smears against people on this website. It’s not very nice of you to be hateful. We were all enjoying a polite conversation until you put your 2 cents in!!! So who’s the hateful one. I don’t have a heritage of hate. Do you?
Bite me.
Wayne that statement makes you guilty of hate, bigotry, prejudicial feelings, profiling, bullying, and denying diversity. It also shows a lack of scholastic credibility, and down right ignorance. In short, while trying to be superior, you proved you are stupid and narrow minded. I would support your right to fly a shit for brains flag, if there is one.
I truly believe he is the product of what Carlos Mencia sings about, he had two parents that were DEE DEE DEE and now they had a child that’s DEE DEE DEE. don’t know the song or never heard it, go look it up on YouTube and you’ll understand this comment even more!
Are you related to Al Gore?
If you support hate, slavery , treason,tyranny, censorship, renaming one hundred year old historical Southern parks, desecration of grave-sites, eliminating historical plaques, banning the word Confederate from school textbooks, Blaming the Confederate Battle Flag for the death of innocent people, sandblasting beautiful Stone Mountain in GA,posthumously revoking the diplomas of hundreds of Southern men who Attended West Point Military Academy ——— then the ETHNIC CLEANSING of American Historical Statues and Monuments is right for you.
Well then you must be a co conspirator in genocide, false imprisonment, war mongering, and the list goes on. For if you look closely at your current heritage under the US flag, we have forced native Americans to leave their home, one stark example, the trail of tears, a known action that would kill thousands, we forced thousands of Japanese Americans to relocate and live in the desert under false imprisonment, we went to war for WMDs that were not there, we assassinated leaders to establish our will (Vietnam). Oh it’s a proud and long list that we so nobly give allegiance to under Old Glory. Read about the Morrell tariff, then follow the politics on how the Civil war began, if anything those people fought for a better concept than what Old Glory has done over its history. If you believe it was slavery, then you are a slave to a history that has never spoken the truth about situation.
Also I wrote a dissertation on the civil war, that took 2 years, and about 3000 pages, the war was not founded on slavery. If anything the South had grander intentions for economic balance for the country, look to Lincoln for his corrupt politics, a martyr he is , the great emancipator he was not.
The United States “Stars and Stripes” is flown at every picture of a Klan meeting that I’ve seen. Is it “Old Glory” which caused all the things you mention?
Or the Stars and Stripes.
You must be talking about the U.S. flag.
Get over your “White Guilt” Wayne. It is just sad.
Educate yourself Wayne…..You speak of what you know not!
Evidently your heritage includes blatant stupidity, made obvious by the ignorant remark you made here. Do some research and make an informed statement instead of blindly following the sheeple.
I honor our confederates because they are American Veterans. What have you done to be honored.
Bravo Laurie! Exactly right! By Wayne’s own statements we should be removing ANY and ALL War Memorials to any soldier everywhere. What an injustice that would be to all those brave men and women that fought for and lost their lives in all those wars. So if we get rid of just one facet of history by removing it and taking it away from those that have ancestors, no matter what race they are would be and IS an injustice to all Veterans and their families everywhere! Not just to those of us in the South that just want to preserve our history and heritage.
Well, I sure didn’t go around trying to kill as many of my fellow countrymen as the traitors you honor………..remember, bigotry wrapped in a flag is still bigotry.
Thank you so much for keeping our history in tact even thou lunatic liberals would have us forget our heritage–don’t you just despise people telling you how they should live their lives according to what would please liberals Wayne…Pathetic..Oh– I misread your input Wayne never mind you suck !!!!
You suck…………and swallow!
No ma’am i win and you still suck (boy did you get spanked but my bet is you liked it) – (a lot)
Well now ain’t you a bit disgusting but after looking at your picture i can understand why you so hateful Lola
Try to stay calm, and keep your pecker in your pants, Cowboy!
You have a BA in History and you weren’t aware blacks served in the Confederacy? LOL. William Ellison, the second largest slave holder in S. Carolina; also a black man; his son served in the Confederate forces. In fact, William Ellison was a huge financial supporter of Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy. Guess what…there were even Indians who served in the Confederacy. Guess this is what you get with today’s History B.A….nothing.
Guess what……all your “facts” are totally incorrect in some part. Iffn’ I recalls correctly, wasn’t Ole April one of those what you boys down Carolina way call a High Yeller Nigger?
You know what I’m talkin’ about don’t ya, boy? Yeah, I thought that ya did.
Full of shit.
Wayne Langley you wrote “If your heritage includes hate, slavery, treason, tyranny, etc. the Confederate battle flag is right for you.”
Name one group, race, culture, or society which that would leave out! I can name at least 18 that still fall into that group today!
Every race, every society, every culture, at some point, has succumbed to your indicators. But a guy with a BA in history would know that!
Does you heritage include being descended from apes?
You seem to be picking more nits than a father/son orangutan team who know they are being filmed by National Geographic.
You are too young to understand what this flag really means. How come freed slaves and their descendants, until the 1960s, loved that flag? Didn’t know that, did you? I did, because my nanny was a black lady from the South who loved that flag!
Yo black nanny loved the flag? Talk about wealth and privilege. Ever see the movie, “The Help”? Did Hoke drive yo mama to the Piggly Wiggley too?
Why are you such a racist?
Why are you such a dumb ass?
Why are you unable to say anything but personal ad hominems? That’s the sure sign someone has lost an argument. 🙂
Never saw the movie, no.
The Klan primarily has used the US flag in their history. Segregationists also waved the US flag. The US flag when Native Americans were being slaughtered. The US flag waved when Americans of Japanese ancestry were forcibly put into detention camps during WW 2. So what do you say about THAT flag?
It has everything to do with white privilege.
I’ve never experienced that, so I don’t know what it is. Maybe ask a white Northern European descended person, they might know. My ancestors were poverty-stricken Russian Jews and poverty-stricken Sicilian Sharecroppers.
And the ancestors of African Americans had a workers paradise?
The Confederate battle flag is nothing more than a symbol of white supremacy today.
Bigotry wrapped in any flag is still bigotry.
I think these black Southerners would not agree with you. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0e2d992a6bd94cddc8dabf107b5d4c21a5bed4760fb86f2b4fe95f3c98e83de7.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c9d280f84235903b56cf9d1951e703e9f2dfb11a45985b5bd034944df9c444ee.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c9d280f84235903b56cf9d1951e703e9f2dfb11a45985b5bd034944df9c444ee.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bb38cd3f1490d8d053d288919f853809fca836099577582bec4c87e867914252.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4da3bc6b29a05f7435c536862f4a98f72c478d4e4eecd72f9521d982589decc6.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c9a02b35d88ddf7f6b343f68c1840d433316030620dd5f48fb8f85157bc92e24.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a6f77b0c4f5045afe1d8b502b39b97da29637506abe44b0a72f3f4ffccf0230a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/af8a7f2587a9ac277c2c5b39ae91a77a60a53f1b68c655d0aff34a116bffab8e.jpg
Wow! Seven pictures with a total of ten African-Americans in them. You almost have enough members to make a quorum at a KKK meeting.
I would have posted a lot more but I think Disqus has a limit on photos.
I could post a million, and you still wouldn’t believe them.
Do it if you so desire. I already believe you’re a psychopath.
Funny how you and your ilk engage in the name-calling and insults, while I’m just trying to have a factual conversation. That speaks much more than you know.
If this was really about heritage over hate, you’d be protesting and rallying against every hate group for using your precious heritage symbol to promote their hate!
And that………..is a fact!
Not only have I personally done that, but the Sons of Confederate Veterans as well as the United Daughters of the Confederacy have also been doing that….since the 1950s, when the Confederate battle flag FIRST began being exploited, not only by hate groups, but by popular society who in the early 1950s for some reason began to see the CBF as a trendy symbol. EVERYONE waved it, but then they began desecrating it by putting it on bikinis, shoes, beach towels and the like.
I am, what do you mean?
Funny…I don’t insult people for simply disagreeing with me. Sad that you do. How old are you again?
I could accuse you of being a psychopath too, but unlike you, I don’t resort to immature name-calling just because someone disagrees with me.
“If This Shirt Offends You, You Need A History Lesson”
Continuing: not all blacks “hate” the Confederacy:
Let me add to the above:
“I am OFFENDED and I DEMAND you remove your history to APPEASE my delicate sensibilities” is the new battle cry of the leftists and their “useful idiots” and “quislings”.
And that includes Leftist Wayne Langley.
The south got screwed royally by the north and they are trying to do it again. We cannot put up with this shit. It’s a matter of free speech. It’s not just about a flag
Yes sir, you are right it’s not just about a flag. I agree with you, free speech is under attack. The politically correct are trying to wipe away the South’s history. And it made me physically sick when they removed the Confederate flags from state capitals. And now they want to remove our Confederate monuments which have been here for a hundred years.
But if they won’t honor those men who fought for the South. Thank God there are Southerners like me and you and the others I’ve read on this website that will.
We need to stick together. My name is Robin Henderson Aristides. You can find me on fb.
I wasn’t around for the Civil War (Hey, I’m old, but not that old!), but this time it is not North against South. As a transplanted Northerner I am here to say that I want you to keep flying the flag. I have an American flag, a Gadston flag, and a Confederate Battle flag flying on my porch. I now live in Tennessee with Southern wife and son. The battle lines are being drawn but it is not North against South rather it is Americans against the Obama Death Squad. I have been around for a while and am of German and English decent, but I was born and raised an American. I have watched hundreds of hours of Hitler’s speeches and guess what? Obama sounds word for word like him. Look it up, Hitler tried to take away his counties guns, he nationalized health care, h became the despot that we all know and loath. Obama is on a slippery slope. He is trying to start race riots and I believe that he eventually wants to be a martyr. I honestly believe he wants to go out in a blaze of glory. If we make it to the point where he is out of office, the next President has a enormous amount of work to do. Undoing what he did will take at least ten years and that’s if we can get the government to work together. Good luck with that.
You are exactly right, Sugar. Our freedom of speech is being taken from us one small amount at a time. Hitler once said the way to take over a country is to start by taking small freedoms and people hardly notice until it’s too late. Kind of like death by a thousand cuts. Our American say of life is in jeopardy and we must fight to get it back
God bless you. We need more people like you on this country.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I sleep better at night knowing there are proud folks, especially the south that have not been pussified by the rest of the country. I live in Texas and my heart belongs to Dixie.
I live in Texas. You make me ashamed to admit it.
if you’re ashamed to admit where you come from, maybe you should think about moving… maybe South to Mexico or east to the Middle East. I’m sure they’d welcome you with open arms
I did at one time own a home in Cozumel when I used to scuba dive on a very regular basis…….alas, I sold it for too much money. Ain’t capitalism great?
Go back to Cozumel then…we really don’t need or want you here if you cannot respect others. Donkey nuts!
Do us REAL Texicans a favor, Langley- get your Texas-hating ASS up to New York or out to Los Angeles, where you won’t be so offended. If you don’t like it here, “Delta’s Ready When You Are”!
I’m sure Texas is just as ashamed of you.
Hi John, I think your next popular flag orders may come from the State of Florida for the current Florida State Flag, on the local news today{Thursday, June 25, 2015 Noon News} they are now wanting to do away with the current state flag of Florida!
The reason, because of the “RED X” across the flag resembles the “Rebel Flag” as they put it on the news. Well for their info, that flag WAS a Confederate Flag, after all, MY HOME STATE and WHERE I LIVE, was BORN and RAISED in Florida, WAS a Confederate State!
So when I’m ready to buy my Confederate Flag, looks like I’ll probably be ordering the current Florida State Flag too!
Especially since the morons in office in the State of Florida now want to rid us of that heritage of being Native Born in Florida under that flag too!
I’m sure a lot of true Natives of Florida will start looking to where they can buy the current State Flag, and when they ask, I’m sending those folks to your site here, because I know you’ll still be making the original!
I’d think even those transplants that call themselves “Natives”, but truly aren’t, would {or THEY SHOULD!} also be appalled at a State Flag being removed or changed where they now proudly call themselves a “Native of Florida”.
BTW: I’ll bet the next flag under this attack will be the one in Mississippi, after all, that flag DOES, in fact, have the Confederate Battle Flag of Virginia right smack in the upper left corner of their State Flag!
What’s next, no more teachers allowing to use a red X to mark incorrect answers because it may remind someone of a Confederate Flag?
This is seriously getting so out of hand it’s completely ridiculous!
And I can sure understand why the Confederate States at the time wanted to Secede from the Union! Seems history is repeating itself. Only this time when the SOUTH RISES AGAIN, we’re not going to be bamboozled again, and WE ARE GOING TO TAKE BACK THE SOUTH, OUR HISTORY and HERITAGE being taken{more like stolen!} from us! WE WILL NOT LOSE THIS TIME!
That’s the Left for you – completely ridiculous. It’s pretty embarrassing actually – they’ve lost all ability to reason.
Now the NAACP of Atlanta wants to SANDBLAST Stone Mountain GA – OMG. If people can’t bear to be reminded of our country’s history, the good and bad, they can go start their own country. Then they won’t have to worry about it. But leave the rest of us alone – this is a democracy after all. This is a small segment of our population making these ridiculous demands.
If we start going down this road we would need to ban all flags flying over all states and all countries. Historical periods or events that today we view as atrocities occur under every government throughout human history.
I’m over it – not even listening to their noise any more they are so absurd.
John, thank you SO MUCH for the willingness to stand up to pressure from The Mob in defense of our 1st amendment rights. I am so thankful that brave patriots such as yourself still exist! I am giving up hope. I found this website – looking for a Confederate flag to buy just because I CAN! All my ancestors settled in Kentucky, my G-G Grandfather fought and died for the Confederacy. I now live in Kansas but the South has my heart! Once again – thank you so much for the service you provide to American patriots. Please don’t ever stop!!
My great grandfather fought with in a regiment from Arkansas. Doesn’t mean I want to fly some racist symbol on my front porch.
FYI ~ Confederates weren’t patriots. They were treasonous tyrants.
You have been mislead. Try reading to find the truth.
Nope, I haven’t been “mislead”. They took up arms against their country for financial and selfish reasons basically. Sorry Nancy, but I have a degree in history, and the Civil War is well documented to say the least.
Wanting to fly the flag that was one of the symbols of the greed that took the lives of over 600,000, and unknown loss of property is one of the greatest shames in the history of this country.
you haven’t been mislead? No you’re just an uneducated idiot… and the Civil War isn’t as well documented as you would think since history is written by those who “won” wars and the real facts are mostly left out.
The word is misled. I merely used the word of the person who’s post I replied y’all. Time to have the batteries checked in your sarcasm meter.
What a shame a self professed bigot as you hasn’t progressed sufficiently to pronounce others as uneducated, or an idiot.
I fly both the Confederate Flag and the American flag. I served 21 years in the army and have 5 combat deployments to the Middle East. Want to call me a treasonous tyrant?
Dear Dumb Ass Old Man,
You were merely a pawn in the sadistic game of wealth and profit being played by Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld among others.
Look hard enough, and maybe someday you will find those WMD.
Semper fi, moron!
If you were not int he middle east, then you know nothing about WMDs and their existence or not. I was there, the WMDs do exist, I’ve seen the effects of their useage. I don’t need some ficticious BA of History troll to tell me what is real and what isn’t. I’ve spoken to Kurdish refugees who were attacked my Hussein and his “made up” WMDs. Maybe you should have paid more attention in classes instead of getting your education from television. BTW, where did you get your “degree” from? You never mention that in any of your rants…
Wayne is tough on Vets. But he would be a pansy if he were ever really in war…I can see that. What numb nut!
Loyalists and the British thought of the Patriots as treasonous tyrants also… bet your uneducated ass didn’t know that New England wanted to leave the Union over the debate of the War of 1812. So define what a patriot is and what a treasonous tyrant is… moron
Your sentence structure makes it sound like the New England Patriots wanted to leave the NFL over Deflate Gate. Quit making stuff up that you don’t understand, or know what you’re talking about.
The New England states wanted to cease the war in 1814. There was no debate of seceding from the Union. There are several contributing factors that played into the War of 1812. I suggest you look them up, and try to educate yourself by immersing yourself with real history, and how it was made. There were Republican war hawks back then too.
Good thing that Andrew Jackson defeated the British in New Orleans after the Treaty of Ghent had been signed.
You shouldn’t be so foolhardy as to try, and bounce the word moron off of educated people.
See ya in the funny papers, Dumb Ass!
The Republican party didn’t exist during the war of 1812. History much?
The term “Democratic-Republican” is used especially by modern political scientists for the first “Republican Party” [as it called itself at the time], also known as the Jeffersonian Republicans.
Historians typically use the title “Republican Party”
I am not a modern political scientist. I am more of a historian. Therefore, I use the term Republican.
If I recall correctly seven different parties by name have held the office of President. Two presidents were independent.
I’m quite sure you equate Lincoln as Republican. Truth is he ran in 1864 as a member of the National Union Party as did his Vice President, Andrew Johnson.
I’m also quite sure you equate Johnson as a Democrat. However he didn’t become a member of that party until the end of his second term.
Feeling foolish much?
If you were truly a historian, you’d have read all the things that I outlined at the top of this thread in response to one of your first immature attacks on anyone who doesn’t agree with you.
I agree with you David Bohmfalk….I have posted several pieces of literary evidence proving Blacks fought for the South.
The confederate flag re[resents a part of our history, it’s true. It also represents a lot of pain and sadness for many people. I am a white republican woman raised without a day of real pain in my life, thanks to all the men and women who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom. Yet, when I see the confederate flag flying, it hurts my soul because it represents racism and deep, deep pain for our entire country. Anyone who flies this flag needs to know that you are prolonging that pain. If you want to fly a flag that represents this great nation, fly the current American flag. When I see our American flag flying on someone’s house, I have such intense pride and joy every time I see it. It is a beautiful flag that truly represents freedom, respect and honor. Thank you for allowing me to express my encouragement for people to be more aware of what theyre doing when they fly the confederate flag. God bless you and God bless America.
you are an idiot.
NO Dave O….you are
hey Robert you parently don’t understand your own countries history this flag is a symbol of heritage not hate.
Kathy, that is simply your viewpoint and I can respect and accept what you say is what you believe. However, nothing makes me more upset than someone telling me what my words mean or what flag I fly or symbols I admire means. I tell people what it represents to me. Unless you are a mind reader how can you tell me what I think or believe is different than what I have stated? Why can’t you respect what I say the Confederate flag means and represents to me? When you refuse to give me the same courtesy then you are basically calling me a liar and that really pisses me off.
Well said! Thank you.
Dear Kathy,
Whenever I see a crucifix, it hurts my soul because it reminds me that our Creator sacrificed His life for me and all sinners. That memory helps me meditate on how many ways I offend Almighty God.
Perhaps you might want to consider that the battle flag of the Confederacy in fact does NOT represent racism. Mr. Nesbit spelled out quite clearly why it is important to not ban that flag of our heritage.
When your soul hurts when you see that flag, may it remind you of the precious liberty that was fought for in the Revolutionary War and the precious liberty that was fought for by the confederacy (the Civil war was NOT about slavery). Maybe you should think about how dear those liberties were to our ancestors and how they are being stripped as we breathe in our country today as tyranny encroaches on all of us.
May God bless you.
Thank you! I couldn’t have said it any clearer!
Kathy, you should share this on your Facebook page, to show how racist Native Americans were:
And yet the American flag that you say represents freedom, respect and honor flew over slave states while this flag you condemn didn’t. The flag you say represents racism did not fly on any slave ship but the American flag did.
If you see racism in the Confederate battle flag that is simply because you have made that decision or you have let a few idiot racists and a murderer decide for you, which is truly sad.
The import of slaves was outlawed about 1803, so your point is moot. Why buy when you can breed, and sell the labor [like livestock] for free. Cuts out the middleman.
Dylann Roof kills nine innocent black people, whites use the rational that flags and guns don’t kill people, psychopaths on mild altering drugs kill people.
Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez kills five innocent military personnel, Bobby Jindal states that and the Ft. Hood shootings on Obama by claiming that the president is to blame because he has not acknowledged that “Radical Islam” exists.
Only in ‘Murica!
Shut the fuck up w/ that bullshit, retard.
I would say the same about the Rainbow flag. Personally I am offended by its message but I will fight to the end for the right of anyone to display it.
I do draw the line when our own (yes OURS) White House is lit up in Rainbow colors – willfully sending a message that Obama knows divides our country. I realize and appreciate that to some people the Rebel flag creates the same feelings and don’t feel that it should be flown on state house grounds. But memorials – yes, absolutely.
But why can’t we have respect for others’ points of view? Were there major meltdown demonstrations over the White House Rainbow Flag? NO, even though MANY Americans were offended by the message that senit.
Others who want to fly the Confederate flag consider it part of our country’s history and do not in any way associate it with racism. I consider attempts to ban it is an attempt to erase part of this great country’s history – and history everywhere contains elements of good and evil. That is not in dispute but it is OUR history and part of our heritage like it or not. And some us who also have a voice have ancestors/family who fought to protect their homes and their children in that War.
What we don’t realize today is that in the mid 1800’s the States were more sovereign and had the ability to exercise their rights over the power of the Fed Govt. The Civil War was a rebellion of the Southern states against the North attempting to exert power over the South.
thanks for not letting them people get to you. thanks for still having rebel, and confederate flags available. i will order one when i get paid. thanks again from st charles,mo.
i grew up with this flag around us….nc,sc,fla,…..i NEVER thought of it as ‘racsist’ or whatever…..so i will keep mine. i am not racsist, and shame on you people trying to make it LOOK that way!!! god bless you all, and god bless america! long live the south!!!
keep it up tell the pos u will never back down ,bunch of candy a– liberals
Thank u for standing up for what u believe. Not enough people do. People have taken a piece of history and turned it into hate because they are uneducated. I don’t understand y people can’t leave well enough alone.
I need to know where i can find a 8×16 confederate flag mine was justbstolen the other day off my truck i live in Illinois but from Tenneessee i really need to find one so eone please help me here
buy a gun too for when they decide to steal from you again
Thank you
Thank you, very American of you and that seems to be fading in the majority .
Thank you sir !!!
Good to know that you will not give up your rights you have friends in Texas.
Need more people to not bow down to the political correctness crowd!!!!! Proud to be a Southerner!!!
Amen Todd!! We’re being attacked!
Thanks ….don’t let the bullys win ….
This flag is rectangle, the Confederate Battle flag was square
The flag commonly referred to is actually the Naval Ensign.
Would never, ever fly a Confederate flag myself but certainly acknowledge your right to do so.
Why not? Do you fly the Ammerican flag, the Christian flag, your state flag? I believe our veterans and our Lord deseves to be honered and this ia a wonderful way to honer them. God Bless you
that is your right to not fly it, and it is great of you to allow others the right to fly it
They don’t give a crap about anything until they are asked not do it. It’s not their rights they’re worried about. It’s just their subtle disdain that our sitting President is of a mixed race, and part of the mix is black.
What does this President have to do with this?
The only thing that I see is that every divisive group in our culture has become unhinged ever since he’s been in office, and trying to force their agenda down everyone else’s throats. Americans don’t take kindly to other people trying to tell them what they “need” to do.
Everyone is sick of it.
Seems you only want YOUR first amendment protected but no one else’s because YOU find it offensive. You’re lack of intelligence, I find offensive. STFU already
Dear Grab Ass,
Where did I state that individuals don’t have the right to fly said flag on their “private” property?
The Southern Cross…..flag of losers since 1865 is the only viable reason that comes to my mind.
THANK YOU for keeping History and Heritage alive !!!
Union soldiers killed many Southerners because they took the American flag down and replaced it with the Confederate flag. it is a sad day when people that want to remember their heritage are called racist.
In fact, the Confederate did not break any Constitutional laws by seceding from the Union. So, by waving your Confederate flag, you are not guilty of treason.
Thank you for selling the Confederate battle flag and not bowing under pressure from the PC Police. My Great Grandfather fought for the Tenn. 3rd and was captured outside of Vicksburg during Grant’s siege. He carried a small Confederate Battle Flag on him during all of his time as a soldier and a Yankee prisoner. I have that flag preserved and under glass along with his buttons from his dress uniform. This flag is the most important family relic I have, and the Confederate Battle flag has special meaning to me. It is Heritage and not Hate. Thanks Again.
Donate it to a museum. Your heritage was hate…..for anything not Southern.
Just the opposite, now I plan on flying the Confederate Battle Flag at every opportunity. A local high school in my are, the West Monroe Rebels have now come into fire for their mascot. People want them to change. NO, says our locals and they have protested to keep the Rebel Mascot and name. My Heritage isn’t hate, your Hate is your Heritage.
Calm down, Colonel Sanders.
What were your school colors. Eggshell white, and off white?
“lil” Wayne, well spoken, for an idiot
Kick their whining asses down the street John. Good man.
Thank you!!! I am a Northern boy, born and bred near Cleveland. The Confederate flag is part of this country’s history. I will stand and fight beside the good people that hold this flag dear to them. Once they take this, what will they want next? God bless Dixie!
Born and bred in Boston (Massachusetts) have lived in the South since I was 18, served 21 years in the military and now fly both the American flag and the Confederate Flag. Not hate but American and Southern pride is the way I see it
Thanx. Send me a catalog
We support you 100 percent…thank you for your stand!!!
It is shocking to me that here in the Land of the Free, people would make such a demand. While it is true that this flag does not belong on government or public property, there is no valid reason for this current hysteria. I was thinking about this today in the aftermath of the shootings yesterday in Chattanooga, TN, that killed four marines and injured others. When the shootings in Charleston happened, suddenly the rest of the country decided to lump together everyone is the South as having a collective guilt for the action of one deranged individual. Yes, he had the Battle flag in the background of some photographs. Does he represent all Southerners? Of course not. Are we always told not to judge ALL people in a group because of the actions of a few? Yes we are; and we are also told to persist in the ignorant lumping together of all members of any group, whether the group be ethnic background, religion, or what country the live in, or came from, is to be a bigot. Yet, to make this same sort of call towards Southerners is somehow in a different category. Really? Who gets to decide that there are exceptions to a rule such as this one?
When the shooter in Chattanooga was discovered to be of Kuwaiti background, we were told NOT to judge ALL Muslims because of his actions. This is right; it is also right that by the same reasoning, we Southerners should be granted the same courtesy. I knew things had really gone WAY overboard when TVland Yanked -(see what I did there -hee; yank-ed) The Dukes of Hazzard because the General Lee has the flag on the roof. Good freakin’ grief! I would not drive around with the Rebel flag flying from my car windows, but I don’t think hysterics at seeing that is warranted.
Robert E Lee’s family was instrumental in winning the Revolutionary War. England must see that as treason, but does that make it so? George A. Custer, a hero of the Union in the Civil War later went west, and in some ‘military’ actions killed unarmed women and children. The U.S. federal government had just ended the institution of slavery in 1809; should that absolve them from bearing any responsibility in that wrong that was committed? The U.S. federal government displaced the native Americans repeatedly. Now the same thing is being done in Michigan and Arizona by selling out to foreign mining companies. In Arizona, it is supposed to include a ‘swap’ of land. As if that makes it OK to deprive someone of their OWN home that is their history, and important spiritually. Where is the national outrage about this betrayal once again of agreements the federal government made with Native Americans?
So we have a demand for tolerance of everyone except Southerners, and outrage over a symbol, while an outrage that is affecting many people and the environment now and in the future. Here is a statement from one of the tribal representatives regarding this great wrong:
“Since time immemorial people have gone there. That’s part of our ancestral homeland,” Rambler said, referring to the overall area in question. “We’ve had dancers in that area forever — sunrise dancers — and coming-of-age ceremonies for our young girls that become women. They’ll seal that off. They’ll seal us off from the acorn grounds, and the medicinal plants in the area, and our prayer areas.”
Here is one reason that we should ALL be concerned about such a deal: “To many, it looked like a sweetheart deal being made outside of the regular process of dealing with federal land. And some were unhappy that the prime beneficiary, Rio Tinto, also owns a uranium mine in Africa with Iran. Others worried that most of the copper will go to China, which owns 10 percent of Rio Tinto.” (Michael McAuliffe, Huffington Post, December 3, 2014)
Some people think the Confederate flag should be banned; some think the Rainbow flag should be banned. Both groups are wrong. Neither flag should fly on government property, yet neither flag should be banned. What has happened to the idea that even if I disagree with what you say, I will defend to the death your right to express yourself?
I say, carry on fellows, in defending our right, all of us, to freedom of expression!
By the way, I am what many people think of as a Liberal. It isn’t very nice when some people lump all of us together, and feel the need to denounce us, just the same as judging ANY group as if it is sharing one brain.
I never thought I would ever agree with someone tagged pinkie lynn. . Good points and I am a tried and true Southern Man.
You sound like a “classical liberal” – more libertarian than the liberals now. Thank you for that awesome post – very descriptive of what is happening in our country.
I could say the same for the message that President Obama sends for ex. in his statement that all Americans have racism in their DNA…the tired message of White Supremacy and White Privilege – ALL whites are racist and want to kill Blacks because the actions of a deranged, psychotic kid. Do they stop to ask that perhaps he could have felt threatened and vulnerable when our own President is basically targeting him? But isn’t that the Left’s canned excuse for radical Muslims when they slaughter innocent people – because “islamaphobia”.
So white Americans and Southerners are all lumped together by the President and his followers because of the actions of ONE deranged angry individual.
So sick of the Left’s double standard.
Good for you! When I was growing up in Atlanta I didn’t really have an opinion concerning the Confederate flag (Im an AMERICAN after all) but NOW that the Confederate flag and symbols of the Confederate have been deemed antithetical to the “liberal CAUSE” I think that I want one!
Your words were well thought out and well written. There is no perfect country, but we still have the best. Our history is what it is, good and bad. I get it that the flag is about heritage, not hate. And that’s coming from a Pennsylvania Yankee, that lived in Georgia for ten years, and respects your love for your southern heritage. Keep selling whatever flags you want, and that includes the beautiful Stars and Bars.
Very well said! I will pass the word. Thank you for standing up to the PC Police!
THANK YOU!!!! And my great great great grandfather, Asa Mizell Rhodes, who fought and died in the civil war thanks you!
Then you should know that Robert E. Lee said the Confederacy should be forgotten, that it was a mistake, and he did not choose to be buried with the flag.
Ok, so?
Thank you Mr. Nesbit.. Well said and I will add , that you sir, are a true patriot.. !!
Free speech is the foundation of freedom! Keep up the good work guys, and God bless!
Thank John..sir you described my feelings as well…and thank you for standing up for Freedom…sure your Ancestors would approve and be proud of the tradition of fighting against tyranny.. and fighting to keep us all free! I have never made a purchase from your fine American establishment yet..but rest a sure i will…just because i love to support an American company…and an idea…i am a Rebel..and have always stood up for the underdog…i am also Southern Born..with southern roots..back before the civil war..as far back as the mayflower…i am proud to be an American and a Southerner…flag or no flag that will never change..but i would prefer the Flag to stay..so i will be making an order before long. Thank you and god Bless you and those who work for you…
Thank you for standing up to the attempted cultural cleansing of America. I am a native Texan who have many ancestors who fought in the Civil War. I honor all their sacrifices and their valor. I will never condemn them. God Bless the South and God Bless the USA!
I wouldn’t buy your flag to wipe my ass with! Yes, you are using the deaths of nine innocent {black) people to make profit.
“We do this because we know that when any majority can suppress any minority and its ideas, that neither side is free.”
What a bunch of bullshit. Southerners, especially those in Georgia have suppressed minorities for decades on out.
You’re still doing it. A real descendant of Paul Revere would have the balls to at least admit to being a bigot.
I don’t know how all these southerners feel, I take pride in my years in the corp, and had the privilege of taking a number of lives, and inflicting a great deal of pain to many others. I think I would like to find you sir, and have a talk. You can teach me history, and I’ll teach you something new. Sound good? See you soon, don’t worry I always find who I’m looking for, friends and history buffs, and whoever.
Wayne the only Bigot here is you!
Bet you forgot about this one didn’t you, Maxwell House?
BTW how did you get a BA in history from, North lake College, A two-year community college in Irving, TX, offering career technical programs & associate degrees. Your nothing more than a liar.
Texas Christian University. I took some “technical” courses at Northlake in the mid 90’s if you must know. You idiots think everything is everything on a Facebook profile.
I must have really rattled the cages of you rednecks.
I am curious, why would someone that supposedly has a BA from say Texas Christian University, would not list that on his profile, but rather chose to list a Technical college like North Lake instead? I mean everyone that has read your insulting garbage, along with the fact that really know nothing about history, knows that you are a liar. I am like the others am just keeping you commenting for entertainment purposes. To see what kind of stupidity you regurgitate next. LOL keep going you keep digging that hole deeper all the time. Mr mail man. LOLOL!!!!!!!
The Tennessee Battle Flag and all others made for the Confederate War and Confederate States were about the South not wanting to follow the constitution, not pay taxes and not stop slavery. It started out with 7 states and was soon followed by 6 more, making it 13 total. I have some books from 1893, Johnson’s Universal Cyclopedia and it thoroughly details the story of the Confederate states. It is NOT a recent reproduction nor do I believe that back in those days did they change history around. Everything that’s in it, I believe was 100% accurate. If it were a website, yes, that could be changed…but this, no, not at all. People, I was born in 1965 and raised in Nashville, TN and just west of it. I strongly realize that history should be preserved…but only in a museum for this. If you aren’t racist and still want the flag…then that is your choice. I see the flag as a time that it was ONLY created to stand against the Union…or Government as we all know it now…to keep slavery going within those 13 states. The flag was of course the Tennessee Battle Flag…and I have no love for it what-so-ever because from what I’ve read from the pages of my 1893 book. You can go on thinking what you will about what happened in the South, but until you see it for yourself in some OLD history books, I know you won’t believe it.
Who is the author of your book? Just because the winners get to write the history doesn’t mean it’s the truth. In the book Under the Stars and Bars, The History of the Surry Light Artillery, Recollections of a Private Soldier in the War Between the States, Jones writes that the war was not about slavery and he would not have fought to keep slaves. He was there and fought for the Confederacy, so I would think he would know why he was fighting.
Johnson’s Universal Cyclopedia, 1893 editions. Volume II
I am not familiar with this book but when I looked it up this is what I found, “was
first published under the supervision of Charles Kendall Adams (1835-1902) in
1893. Subsequent to the D. Appleton Co. acquiring the rights it became the
Universal Cyclopedia in 1900. The joint imprint was dropped in 1901. Adams, the
second president of Cornell University, was also president of the American
Historical Association. In 1892 he was elected president of the University of
Wisconsin, where he remained until 1901.” Adams was from Vermont studied at Michigan so I can’t help but feel this has a one sided tint.
Well said Ms. Rosamond. I appreciate the fact that you even looked this book up to find who wrote it. I agree with you that if it was wrote by someone from the North, chances are it may be one-sided. I too have read and heard from other historians that there were only one thousand Southern soldiers who actually owned slaves. The historians I have read agree with each other that most Confederate soldiers did not fight for slavery. And the North did not fight to abolish slavery. As a matter of fact, I read that it was an insult to suggest to a Union soldier that he was fighting to end slavery. To the Union soldier his fight, in his mind, was to preserve the Union.
The First Amendment is still part of the Constitution.
The Confederacy was correct that the Federal Government was exceeding its authority in the 1860’s. Does that sound familiar? Where is gay marriage mentioned in the Constitution? It isn’t. The Supreme Court invented a right for gays to marry out of good wishes, and SCOTUS trampled on the rights of the several states to decide for themselves what marriage is, according to the Tenth Amendment. The same thing was done in 1973 in Roe v Wade on the issue of killing unborn babies. Back to the Confederacy, unfortunately the Southern Cause was contaminated by the issue of human slavery, which needed to be expunged from the American experience, according to the will of the God of Heaven. Yes, he knows what is happening in the affairs of the human race. And then the Ku Klux Klan took up the Confederate Battle Flag as their symbol…unfortunately contaminating the courageous battle record of the Southern soldier. Therefore there are two meanings to the Confederate Battle Flag. Personally I adhere to the one that tells the Federal Government that there is a point at which decent Americans of all races will demand that the Fed get back into its Constitutional cage.
> Thank you for your Courage & Fortitude!
Don’t listen to those who are try to say your wrong girl, you have more support in this country than you think, keep making them, pride in the south…..
Bullshit,,, you never even said who asked to to stop,, you’re just trying to drum up business!!!
Thanks for standing on your principals. I hope your company receives many orders and you profit from the demands of those with liberal sensibilities; as Chik-fil-A did. Also, your reasoning was very well stated; it speaks volumes, unfortunately the ones who need that wisdom most don’t have the mental capacity to understand it.
God Bless You for staying true to freedom and the first Amendment!!! The current President, Supreme Court, and other opposition be damned!!!
As long as they sell the Black Power flag, Communist flags and flags with that REAL racist Che Guevara on it, YOU KEEP SELLING THE STARS AND BARS!!!
Didn’t the Nazi’s have censorship of books, art, monuments, flags and so on…… Enough said…
Just wanted to Thank You very much for not caving in, as so many others have done. We have to right to fly the flag that our ancestor flew and followed. I am a DAR as well as a UDC. I am proud of ALL my ancestors. I will not shame them or be shamed. Again, thank you so much.
Thank you for standing your ground..
So where is my order of confederate monster license plates I ordered a month ago? How come “rebel” license plates are no longer available to purchase?
keep selling it, don’t give in to political correctness. Many of the people opposed to the flag are showing more hate and racism than this flag supposedly ever has.
As a privately owned company, you have the right to sell what you wish. The free market, not the government, should decide the outcome of your decision.
Thank you for standing up to tyranny. May the truth proudly wave. Cool boots by the way!
Keep up the good work.
I support you!!
I’m down with all that. But you’re either in Georgia or the Heart of Dixie. The only way you can be in both is if you’re straddling the border separating the states. I don’t like someone taking my state’s alternate name anymore than I like anyone using my flag for something other than which it represents. But I’m givin’ you a pass. ‘Cause I like you. But be aware so this doesn’t become just another routine SNAFU.
> Just curious. Why would a P.o.S. named Langley ever want to inject himself onto a site where so many of us are thankful to Ultimate Flags for standing up and claiming the right to remember and honor Southern Heritage? I will never understand the mindset of a hater~baiter. Nor will I ever lose sleep over it. I will fly my flag wherever & whenever I choose! ‘DEO VINDICE’..!
PS, Leave Wayne alone. He’s already standing in a corner and can’t figure out how to escape. BLESS HIS LITTLE HEART. I’ll say a prayer for him…
Friend of mine in London wants me to send him a Confederate flag tee shirt so he can wear it in London in support. They are having their own troubles with the flag of St. George. If you display that flag, they call you a racist, etc. The flag of St. George is all about the traditions of England,their history and the Crusades, so they don’t want to offend the Muslims over there. LOL. The entire world has gone nuts. Thanks for selling the Confederate flags. I have the battle flag hanging on my front door.
“Hat-tip” to you Sir!
Keep selling and I’ll keep buying. Very much appreciate your stand unpopular though it may be to the elites and those that willingly follow them. That’s why they hate the Confederate flag so much, because it represents resistance to blind loyalty to elitism and the right of a group of people to govern themselves. Thanks for your stand. It is very refreshing!
I am a western boy (now old man), but it has never been about slavery or oppression. To me living in the South now, it is about being able to speak your mind and do it freely. I am truly a redneck having grown up in the farming valley of California. I fully understand different peoples feelings and sympathize with them, ESPECIALLY the good people that were enslaved. To me that is/was a very sad time in our history. BUT I have a REAL problem with a state or country that allows the burning of our official national flag and says it can be done under the freedom of speech protection ..BULL SHIT! I will continue to respect BOTH flags for what they stand for; the people of the United States no matter what their differences.
Once again, this topic highlights that the government schools serve to make sheep out of the people. Unless some outside force influences our kids otherwise, they graduate without the ability to think for themselves or to even seek answers for themselves rather than to buy into the narrative that the government supplies.
THANK YOU!!!!!!! This thanks comes to you from a Northern supporter of Dixie! ALL of my flags will be bought from you from now on, YES!
God bless you! Long may it wave!
Thank you for keeping the history and heritage alive! I am originally from Chicago and now in North Carolina, and I am backing the flag because it was not about slavery (which has and still exists) in Africa for the last 2000 years! The first slave owner here was NOT a white man. Now they are destroying our monuments and digging up graves of generals that have been dead for over 100 years, why so they can have their 5 minutes of fame? Much of our younger generation has lost it’s common sense and is willing to follow the crowd that is big reason our country is in the sad state that it is in right now. I never voted for Obama because he is from the most corrupt state in this country (Illinois) with its 4 governors in prisons when Obama was first running for office. In my opinion he didn’t do anything worthwhile while he was senator, much less president. He is trying to change our history, all of our laws, while letting the illegal aliens keep crossing our borders and then he caters to them…I think I see another civil war in our future! This is our country and we need to take it back and make it worthy again!!!
Don’t ever stop selling this flag. Let the liberal nuts find another cause…
I order a flag and I am still waiting. Their phone number does not work. Their Customer service does not work on the web site. there is noway to get any info on shipping or otherwise. BEWARE!
As a Yankee who has lived in Arkansas for the last 7 years, I have spent a great deal of time at the Confederate Cemetery, the libraries, Pea Ridge Battlefield, and my heart goes out to the lost souls of the Confederacy. The monuments and the flags are historic in value, and someday in the future when all of the ridiculous bias settles down, all Americans will embrace the values of a fight against tyranny, one in which we now find ourselves.
You’re all doomed to the same destiny of your forefathers, as your bible tells you “reap what you sow “
And you are doomed if you stay in this country- this isn’t Paris, you terrorist piece of gnawed bacon- the FBI is probably watching what you say right now- and Americans are armed- you are powerless here
Do you not see the irony in the claim that the Confederate flag stands “symbolizes the struggle for freedom over tyranny”? I would ask a slave or a victim of segregation what their definition of tyranny was, and did that flag represent freedom…or tyranny?
I don’t support a ban, but it should be considered shameful by the general public to display the flag of the segregationists. Like Nazis secretly saluting their shrine in a closet, the flaggers are just as bad.
fiddler you did know that the abolitionist as well as Lincoln were trying to set up Colonies in south America and in British colonies in Africa to send Black people? The British turned Lincoln down because at the time the north was losing the war. Also remember it took 2 million union solders to win over 800,000 Confederate troops.
Well said. It’s too bad that the Confederate flag was not only a battle flag but (to some) a symbol of hatred and prejudice. I applaud your insistence in selling the flag. Banning flags is like burning books, nothing but an exercise in ignorance and intolerance.
All of the arguments for banning the sale and display of the Confederate flag could be applied with much greater force to the US flag. Add to these arguments under the US flag the charge of importing negroes from Africa and the Caribbean into the states as part of their international slave trade – that was solely a New England venture after the Revolution, even after domestic slavery had been abolished in that section.
confederate flag is our heritage and it means alot to us southerns i have many of deceased family members that fought in the cival war i keep one flying on my porch its companys like yours that helps keep our heritage alive thank you dont give in to the goverment or any one who wants you to stop lets keep em flying with pride thank you for not giving in
Right on! We’ve already bought some flags from your company and we appreciate the stance that you are taking. We will continue to buy your flags. God bless Dixie!
My thanks to Ultimate Flags for not bending to heedless, and fearful ignorance, and judgement. Huzzah !
thank you for taking a stand and for continuing to sell the flag. God Bless
The Battle Flag is a legitimate American Flag, and Confederate Soldiers were legally made equal to Union Soldiers through a variety of Public Laws. Here is one of those Laws.
P.L. 38, 59th Congress, Chap. 631-34 Stat. 56
Authorized the furnishing of headstones for the graves of
Confederates who died, primarily in Union prison camps and were buried
in Federal cemeteries.
Remarks: This act formally reaffirmed Confederate
soldiers as military combatants with legal standing. It granted
recognition to deceased Confederate soldiers commensurate with the
status of deceased Union soldiers.
Yet another.
Congressional Appropriations Act, FY 1901, signed 6 June 1900
Congress passed an act of appropriations for $2,500 that enabled the “Secretary
of War to have reburied in some suitable spot in the national cemetery
at Arlington, Virginia, and to place proper headstones at their graves,
the bodies of about 128 Confederate soldiers now buried in the National
Soldiers Home near Washington, D.C., and the bodies of about 136
Confederate soldiers now buried in the national cemetery at Arlington,
Remarks: More important than the amount (worth
substantially more in 1900 than in 2000) is the move to support
reconciliation by Congressional act. In 1906, Confederate Battle flags
were ordered to be returned to the states from whence they originated.
Some states refused to return the flags. Wisconsin still has at least
one flag it refuses to return.
Although there are many more such Public Laws, this should give clear indication that the Battle Flag of the CSA is not now, nor has it been for a long time, an Outlawed Flag, and is in fact part of the history of our great People , and Nation.
God bless you for having a back-bone!! I’ll send a photo of our black SCV member in front of his Confederate ancestor’s grave marked with a Battle Flag. Tyrone Williams is not offended by the flag!! His ancestor fought under it! Keep up the fire!
my son has been saying for thirty years, the South was gonna rise again…I do believe he is right.
Think Al Sharpton would condemn these men as racist? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_Americans_in_the_American_Civil_War#/media/File:Cherokee_Confederates_Reunion.gif
Great..!!.. and all true Americans are behind you folks there…. I used to live in Pembroke = Bryan County..!!.. Thanks for standing up for what’s right..!!..
I want one in hemp
Well said!!!!!
“Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable – a most sacred right – a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world.” ~ ~ Abraham Lincoln
I think there is a big inconsistency here. People criticizing the flag and asking you to stop making it IS free speech. People organizing boycotts and demonstrations IS them exercising their 1st Amendment Rights. You have the right to fly the flag, and others have the right to criticize you for it. If the government threatens you with jail or fines for flying the flag, then your 1st Amendment Rights are being trampled. Others being critical is not an attack on your freedom of speech, it is an exercise of their’s.
People need to understand how important the civil war was for this nation. Without the civil war we would have plodded along as a loose federation of several mini-countries. We might have not built the Great White Fleet, won the War with Spain, defended ourselves from a French-Mexico. The civil war made citizens think of themselves as Americans first not Ohioians, Floridians, New Yorkers, etc.
I am not from the south born and raised in the northeast yet I moved and live in the south today. The Confederate Flag holds no place in my heart. I’m for it nor against it! However, that flag for what it is, for what it stands for is a part of American history. We have no control as to what some believe it stands for and how they use it. However, one thing be for fact “If you erase history it will repeat itself”!
Here is a born and bred Yankee thanking you for not buckling to the P.O. (Perpetually Offended) crowd! I have loved the Confederate battle flag ever since my childhood nanny showed me the small one she brought with her from the South in the 1920s when she came up North looking for work. We became very close after my grandmom died and every time I see that flag, I think of her, her Southern ways, her Southern cooking (!) and the Southern manners she instilled in me. By the way, she was a black lady too, whose grandparents had been freed slaves. SOUTHERNERS love their flag as a symbol of their homeland and their culture, their skin color doesn’t matter! If not for Miss Lula showing me that, I might have been shocked to meet black Confederate activists today in 2015, but I wasn’t, and its because of her.
Are you Native American? I didn’t think so, now get out of their country
guess again, dumb shit