October 17, 2024

Bill would restrict cities from moving or altering historic monuments

As with many communities in the United States, cities in Texas are struggling with trying to reconcile their history with the sensibilities of today’s diverse culture. Many cities and states, particularly in the South, have recently made decisions to re-locate or remove symbols related to the Confederacy. This summer, Texas Republican Senator. Brandon Creighton supported a controversial bill which would ban the removal of historic monuments that have been on public properties for at least 40 years. The bill was a reaction to a plan of Austen Councilmen William “Cruz” Shaw and Roberto Treviño to move a granite obelisk dedicated to those who died fighting for the Confederacy. Creighton’s bill was not on the agenda proposed by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott. It was uncertain if the Texas Senators would consider on the bill which would wrest local control from Texas cities and towns.

Bill would restrict cities from moving or altering historic monuments