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8 Facts About the Confederate Flag You Didn’t Know About

Confederate Soldier Monument with Flag in Frederick Maryland Cemetery


You see the Confederate flag whipping back and forth in the wind, and your heart leaps, as you immediately feel a connection to it.

You’re not the only person who feels this way.

Research shows that 17% of Black people view the Confederate flag as a symbol of Southern pride, and 66% of white people embrace “Old Dixie” in this way.

The American Confederacy is certainly dead now, but the flag lives on. If you’re curious about the Rebellion, here are eight facts about the Confederate flag you may have never known.

Facts About the Confederate Flag: A Glimpse at the Confederate Flag

This flag became the Confederacy’s first official flag after the Confederacy was created in the early part of 1861.

A special committee was charged with designing the flag. Although one approach was to develop a flag that mirrored the United States’ flag at that time, another approach was to produce a completely different flag. A variety of designs ended up being used to represent the Confederacy in the following years.

1. The Flag Started Out with an “X” Design
2. Some State Laws Protect the Flag
3. The Flag Is Still Part of the State Flag of Mississippi
4. The Flag Represented Resistance to the Federal Government
5. Confederate Flags and Slave Ships Didn’t Mix
6. The Majority of Americans Don’t See the Flag as a Racist Symbol
7. Georgia’s State Flag Is Strongly Tied to the Confederacy
8. The Flag Continues to Strongly Represent the South

Read more here Current State flags honoring Confederacy

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