July 26, 2024

Honoring Our Confederate Heritage & Virtues

presented by US Patriot Flags

An unapologetic defense of un-PC Confederate flag issue

The confederate flag is constantly being pointed out and condemned by liberals, the latest being after children displayed it in a parade to honor their friend who had died. The history involving racial tensions and even he KKK began with the democrats but these days they are the first to call it in PC. The history of what the confederate flag stands for stands up against the modern liberalism.

Key Takeaways:

  • Sandy Perry was stunned — stunned I tell you — in the Nov. 20 Inter Lake at the insensitivty of the children’s parade to honor their friend Zachary Rhoads after his tragic demise by displaying the Confederate flag.
  • Even more so, it probably is just an unspoken defiance toward people who don’t want them to fly that flag because of their personal PC always-offended-about-something-stance. So the kids are giving them an in-their-face middle-finger salute. Hats off to the kids and their all-American spirit. I bet their friend ZR would be proud of them.
  • If these officers who lost family, friends and countrymen under the sword of my grandfather were willing to respect and honor his service to Dixie and let the passions of all-out war die, why can’t these Democrats stop stirring the pot of racial conflict over a defeated flag.

“If these officers who lost family, friends and countrymen under the sword of my grandfather were willing to respect and honor his service to Dixie and let the passions of all-out war die, why can’t these Democrats stop stirring the pot of racial conflict over a defeated flag.”
