When we look at the past we can't just judge by our present standards. U.S. representative Garrets opposition of the...
In an era of cynicism and racial tension, it is refreshing to consider the origins of the Peace Monument at...
The author of this article is explaining the interest in what the people of this country are trying to accomplish....
In Baltimore, Arkansas, there is a call to rid the city of monuments of Confederate leaders. The mayor, on the...
Daniel Behm, superintendent of Forest Hills Public Schools, argues against the Betsy Ross Flag. His decision was a result after...
SCV is an organization dedicated to honoring the memories of confederate soldiers. This group is working to preserve confederate heritage...
Mayor Sylvester Turner of Houston, Texas is attempting to rename a street called Dowling Street. This street was named after...
There is a huge debate surrounding the first American flag made by Betsy Ross. Superintendent of Forest Hills School District...
Clay County School District officials must try to balance the right to a student's self-expression with maintaining order and respecting...
Johnathan Romans finally gets arrested at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. Richmond police had previously tried to locate Romans...