Two paintings now on display at the Gettysburg National Military Park offer a vivid depiction of two unique perspectives of...
Civil War Union private Franklin Durrah’s hand-written letter paints a bleak picture of life on the front lines. However, just...
The VA flaggers, a group of individuals who fly the confederate flag throughout Virginia, have retrofitted a used weather station...
Destination DC will not feature an ad for the National Museum of Civil War Medicine in its visitors guide because...
New and Noteworthy–At Gettysburg Was Barksdale’s Charge The Real High Water Mark of the Confederacy?
They say history is written by the winners, sometimes the wrong winners write it. The article gives a review on...
With racial tensions high in the wake of the Charleston shooting some municipalities, including the city of New Orleans, have...
The Gadsden flag of the Revolutionary War may be the new Confederate Flag when it comes to the U.S. Government's...
The National Museum of Civil War Medicine has been dropped from a Washington D.C. visitors guide because of its logo...
Tours of Confederate Monuments in New Orleans may not be taking place for much longer. Recent events have caused residents...
Civil War Adventure Camp is a 16-hour overnight camp re-enactment experience. While this is a re-enactment of The Civil War,...