Flags are a very interesting piece of fabrics. The hold so many different meanings and representation depending on what they...
Today, it seems that anything that is deemed offensive by one person must be prohibited. A campaign named the Coddle...
It would trouble most to know that our public institutions are having trouble maintaining one of our most basic of...
History is the road map that we should learn from, but how far should history be a reminder of the...
For bravery, for patient endurance of hardship, and for unswerving fidelity to the cause for which they fought, the record...
Flag burning was at times used as a form of protest against Trump during his presidential campaign, including by Johnson,...
The New York Times ran a story about the alleged resurgence of the Confederate battle flag. It’s convincing, but it...
Retired Army veteran Dr. Arnold Huskins urged that the historic statues in Charlottesville, Virginia, be maintained as they are. Added...
Confederate-hating bloggers, you are wrong: The Confederate flag is not retreating. The latest proof of that are the three new...
Not all Civil War stories come from soldiers. In 1938, after soldiers from both sides met to celebrate the 75th...