A Confederate group has hired a lobbyist for a 2018 fight over the statues. The Georgia chapter of the Sons...
A letter has been written to the editor that seeks to compromise on the Confederate monuments. Racial tensions have resurfaced...
People feel both ways about Confederate statues. They are staples of history that need top be celebrated and cherished to...
Commissioners in Lakeland Florida will be voting on Dec. 4th on what to do about a controversial Confederate statue in...
Rich High School, located in Utah's Rich County has a proud history. Folks from all over town expressed fond memories...
In Jefferson County, West Virginia, local authorities are struggling to deal with a plaque on the courthouse honoring confederate veterans....
The City Council in Dallas is moving towards acting upon the Mayor’s Task Force recommendations on what to do about...
A confederate group has decided to sue the city of San Antonio, Texas over the removal of a Travis Park...
An art professor has doubled down on defending Confederate monuments. Her stance has gotten its fair share of backlash at...
Ground has been broken for an Eisenhower memorial in Washington DC. Critics did not like the size or the cost...