'Libido dominande" in Latin means lust to dominate. A new book "The Yankee Problem: An American Dilemma" by Clyde Wilson...
The arrival of a Betsy Ross flag (the original 13 star flag) at a football game between Forest Hills Central...
What the author is explaining is that, people either ignore or neglect to take another person's point of view.Mostly when...
What started out as a protest against the Confederate flag during students and faculty at New Prairie Corp. turned into...
A famous General once said, “In all human lot there has nothing better been found for man than to die...
The article emphasize the auction of a Confederate naval sword, apparently very rare. It s estimated to be 20 other...
Campbell County, Virginia now now has a private confederate monument that was built a group of organizers. This was built...
Manchester is a town of deep history in southern Pennsylvania. During the Civil War, it was the site of some...
The Confederate States of America were a part of our history. They defended slavery but also were part of the...