The Army has declined a request to change Brooklyn streets that are named after Confederate generals. The streets as well...
Preserving Southern Heritage
A high spirited and handsome young colt with the name “Jeff Davis” seemed destined for greatness. And he certainly was....
Paul is observing and arguing the issue that the Confederate statues represent. If the statues are allowed to stay many...
As with many communities in the United States, cities in Texas are struggling with trying to reconcile their history with...
One man has made complaints about boats at Alton Marina that have Confederate flags on them. But, there is nothing...
The conversation is continuing on the Confederate flag being in the Veteran's Day parade. There are a lot of people...
Catherine Templeton who is running for governor of South Carolina stated her pride in the Confederacy. The Republican candidate is...
The legendary Terry’s Texas Rangers is named for the man who formed the unit, Benjamin Franklin Terry. The group’s official...
Lawmakers have privately discussed Confederate symbols and whether, or not they need to be gotten rid of. There were some...
It is always inspiring to hear stories of about the courage of soldiers during battle. George Bravard was a flag...