Young boy finds an interesting relic during a recent hike. What he found happened to be ammunition from the Civil...
Preserving Southern Heritage
Intriguing tale about missing treasure. Find out what may have happened to a missing artifact possibly stolen from the Confederate...
While some look at symbols like the Confederate Flag as a symbol of hate, many people look at these symbols...
There are many misconceptions when it comes to the history of flags, and Gene Oakley is working to fix these....
We know that during the important three day Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, (July 1 - 3, 1863) the greatest number...
To help close out the The Civil War Music Heritage Gathering and Encampment, a number of Civil-War Era musicians performed...
In New Orleans, an annual art event was interrupted when around 30 protesters blocked an intersection and used bullhorns to...
In Charleston, The Cumberland Presbyterian Church is working to preserve history. Their original building is thought to have been used...
New controversy is surrounding the Gadsden flag. This flag that features the words, "Don't tread on me" from the Revolutionary...
In Baton Rouge, Louisiana, members of the Sons of the Confederate Veterans group are suing the city to protest the...