The burning of Atlanta by Union General Sherman is a notorious incident of the Civil War. We can read Sherman’s...
Preserving Southern Heritage
The KKK does not own the confederate flag. People are controlled by their ignorance and the news is a huge...
A city in Alabama called Jasper has been declared a sanctuary city for the Confederate flag. There are a lot...
The North Bend school board had met for the first time since the Confederate flag and symbols of it were...
The controversial confederate soldier statue in Montgomery County will soon be moved to a new location. It has been a...
Robert E. Lee was a famous Civil War general and his statue is now in this Virginia city park. It...
There are lots of people who don't want this Robert E. Lee statue to be moved anywhere. He played a...
One letter shows General Lee's wish against slavery and for reconciliation. There are a lot of beliefs and misinformation about...
There is a new bill that aims to get rid of Confederate flags on public property. The reason is because...
There are people who support the confederate flag and they want it back in some locations. Their efforts will likely...