The 1st Kentucky Brigade is also known as the Orphan Brigade. Six different Kentucky Regiments were in this brigade. (Confederate...
Preserving Southern Heritage
The Civil War produced many fine shooters, and some made their way into sharpshooter units. Champion marksman Hiram Berdan of...
Marcellus Pointer became a member of the Mississippi State Militia before the Civil War. Upon his completion, he joined the...
This article basically summarizes, in great detail, an event that happened on a cloudy day for a military service. Also...
When the battle wasn’t raging, Yankee and Rebel soldiers were known to get along with each other. Confederate Private Sam...
If you have spent much time reading here, you probably know Private Sam Watkins of Company H, First Tennessee Infantry....
It was July 31st, 1861. Federal troops were just north of Manassas, Virginia. There were many who thought they would...
The destruction of Confederate Monuments, while believed to be justified (cultural cleansing), is both ignorant and insensitive. Those who destroy...
We live in an age where people becoming offended is taking away our freedom of speech. Instead of just ignoring...
In the era of Trump, we are confronted with moral conflicts and ambiguities: long-standing Confederate Memorials are toppling; Columbus Day...