There is a huge debate surrounding the first American flag made by Betsy Ross. Superintendent of Forest Hills School District...
Preserving Southern Heritage
Clay County School District officials must try to balance the right to a student's self-expression with maintaining order and respecting...
Johnathan Romans finally gets arrested at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. Richmond police had previously tried to locate Romans...
Students at the University of Mississippi used a massive Mississippi state flag to show their support to their state in...
Unfortunately, slavery and white supremacy actions, groups and perpetrators were a large part of the American culture for many years...
No matter your stance or political opinion, you have to give respect where it is due, especially in the case...
Campbell County, Virginia now now has a private confederate monument that was built a group of organizers. This was built...
The article emphasize the auction of a Confederate naval sword, apparently very rare. It s estimated to be 20 other...
After university officials on the campus of Ole Miss tore down the Mississippi state flag, some students seek justice. Andrew...
What started out as a protest against the Confederate flag during students and faculty at New Prairie Corp. turned into...