After the bloody battle of Gettysburg General Lee smartly retreated and moved his troops out of the area. If the...
Preserving Southern Heritage
A detailed account of the adventures of Confederate officer Lt. Gen Jubal Early, and the Union response to his attack...
A real life mystery is taking place in Fayetteville. A well know lawyer believes with all his heart he knows...
Coffee is a beloved drink to people worldwide, including U.S. soldiers since it was added to their rations in 1832....
Many families in York County, Pennsylvania have old stories and legends from the confederate invasion during the Civil War as...
Two paintings now on display at the Gettysburg National Military Park offer a vivid depiction of two unique perspectives of...
Civil War Union private Franklin Durrah’s hand-written letter paints a bleak picture of life on the front lines. However, just...
The VA flaggers, a group of individuals who fly the confederate flag throughout Virginia, have retrofitted a used weather station...
Destination DC will not feature an ad for the National Museum of Civil War Medicine in its visitors guide because...
New and Noteworthy–At Gettysburg Was Barksdale’s Charge The Real High Water Mark of the Confederacy?
They say history is written by the winners, sometimes the wrong winners write it. The article gives a review on...