In an attempt to make clear their stance on kneeling during the national anthem, NASCAR owners have spoken out. In...
Some people might want to know where the anthem issue is going to go from here. There has been a...
People want to get rid of Confederate monuments because of what they represent to some people. They are symbols of...
The County is going to pressure wash a vandalized Confederate monument. The motive is unclear and no one knows who...
Democratic Governor Henry Carter Stuart dedicated the The Virginia monument at the Gettysburg Battlefield a century ago in July of...
No battle of the war saw more troops on the field than the Battle of Fredericksburg. Although greatly outnumbered, Lee’s...
There was a recent rally at the Roanoke Robert E. Lee monument. It drew a very small crowd. The rally...
An activist has burned a hybrid flag in response to a Pennsylvania fair selling Confederate flags. The Bloomsburg Fair allowed...
Growing racial tensions and incidents raise the question, why are national parks still maintaining confederate monuments? One of the most...
The UNC has responded to the Silent Sam lawsuit threat. Students have boycotted. Silent Sam is a Confederate monument. There...