David Johnston was 15 when Lincoln was elected. By April of the next year he was a Confederate Private in...
At a Taco Bell in Cleveland there was an armed robbery where the robber was shot down. Five Taco Bell...
In wake of the Charlottesville violence, there has been a renewed effort to rid the South of confederate monuments. This...
Charlottesville has allowed the removal of a second Confederate statue. This is happening mainly in response to a recent event...
Arlene Barnum, a 63 year old African American Viet Nam war-era veteran has been travelling the southern US decorating graves...
Many have heard of the U.S. Army’s use of camels in the old west, well before the Civil War. In...
A hero that rescued a hawk from Hurricane Harvey has been slammed for the Confederate Flag. In the wake of...
Confederate monuments are coming down and that has some people asking where it will end. There has been a huge...
Southern Irishmen from all over fought for the Confederacy, but Louisiana sent the most into the fray. New Orleans was...
Parker Space is a New Jersey Assemblyman, a farmer, and a country music fan. His Facebook photo of himself standing...