To help close out the The Civil War Music Heritage Gathering and Encampment, a number of Civil-War Era musicians performed...
In New Orleans, an annual art event was interrupted when around 30 protesters blocked an intersection and used bullhorns to...
In Charleston, The Cumberland Presbyterian Church is working to preserve history. Their original building is thought to have been used...
New controversy is surrounding the Gadsden flag. This flag that features the words, "Don't tread on me" from the Revolutionary...
In Baton Rouge, Louisiana, members of the Sons of the Confederate Veterans group are suing the city to protest the...
A recent posting on the site Conservative Daily Post has claimed that Attorney General Loretta Lynch has ordered all Confederate...
Two former gang members align with confederate flag wielding group. The pairing is controversial as the two men are black....
The confederate flag is a controversial topic. The stance on the issue appears to be split down the middle with...
Civil War re-enactment is an event that takes place in parts of the US. It is a unique way to...
Donald Trump made a statement in regards to those who support the Second Amendment but do not support Hillary Clinton....