The civil war was a time of slavery, a time that must be remembered, but also a time that is...
Although the Confederate flag has been the symbol of slavery and racism for hundreds of years in the South, some...
There is a Chapel Hill highway that is not paying any more attention to a Confederate leader. That leader is...
The Commissioner of Agriculture is supporting a new license plate which will raise money for the Sons of the Confederate...
"When you charge, yell like furies!" That's the order Stonewall Jackson gave his men at the Battle of First Manassas...
Substantial Federal Funds Allocated for Confederate Cemetery Protection The expenditure by the federal government on safeguarding Confederate cemeteries is noteworthy,...
Another confederate statue bites the dust, and rightfully so. A young, inquisitive mind in school is bound to ask, 'why...
As many people are aware, there has been a lot of controversy lately surrounding statues that were built depicting people...