Poker during the civil war was a widely played game. Many soldiers picked up gambling and Union soldiers began picking...
First Amendment? Not in California. California owns the right to decide what speech the state engages in. Most recently evident...
Poker in America was first spread far and wide by the Civil War. Young men on both sides of the...
The controversy continues in regards to the confederate flag in South Carolina. While one side strives to make compromises by...
There has always been quite a difference in shooting between the North and South of the United States. The Northern...
The american flag carries a great historical message and meaning, but schools also have the right to not display the...
Visiting Charleston, South Carolina provides historic memories for all to embrace. There you will see monuments that give insight to...
Is the Confederate flag a symbol of American history or a reminder of a past that many would like to...
The message of this article consist of the history behind the Confederate Memorial Hall residence at Peabody College and the...
The United Daughters of the Confederacy have honored Kate Sexton, a Civil War nurse, with a marked gravesite in a...