In "Civil War Profiles - Protecting the flag was the primary mission" Thomas J Ryan highlights the role of standard...
Free speech is not so free in Lake Arrowhead as a group of high school students comes under attack for...
Being a Color Guard during the Civil War was one of the most unacknowledged tasks during the war. Color Guards...
The Civil War may have been 150 years ago, but its history still resonates to this day. Re-enactments help today's...
The constitutionality of the Mississippi state flag challenge in district court. Carlos Moore opened up a lawsuit against the state...
Confederate soldiers took horses from families in York County during a March across the country. One man, Jacob Rudy, filed...
As summer comes to a close, so do the fairs. Some people don’t feel that the fairs in rural New...
New Prairie High School has banned its students from flying the Confederate flag on campus. The school had received complaints...
Bans on confederate flags can be absurd in certain circumstances. While the purpose of California's ban of the confederate flag...
The argument surrounding the Confederate flag and memorials continue to divide the country. One side feels hurt as the memories...