Robert E. Lees headquarters at Gettysburg as much as possible to its July 1863 appearance when a maelstrom of war...
One of the first flags of the Confederacy has been painstakingly restored and will be on display for a limited...
Delta State University is the last of Mississippi's public university's to stop flying the state flag because of its controversial...
A commission in Charlottesville, SC, voted to keep two Confederate monuments, named the Lee and Jackson monuments. One member of...
In wake of the removal of images of the confederate flag from the Washington National Cathedral leaders of the church...
Some art was removed from the Washington Nation Cathedral and it has many people talking. The pieces of art were...
There was a switch made during a recent construction project on the heavily traveled tunnel. The banners from the other...
A $6 million project to restore the stone house and grounds that served as Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee's headquarters...
Washington National Cathedral held a discussion on its windows honoring Confederate generals on Oct. 26, 2016. Several well known speakers...
History moves in strange ways. Consider the case of the Confederate ship CSS Stonewall, which never fired a shot during...