During the civil war, food was engineered for traveling soldiers to take with them. This successfully created evaporated milk and...
Mary Jackson Overall was once a rebel spy during the American Civil War. Mary worked with secret service agents out...
Recently there has been some insight given into the SC confederate confirmation could redefine PC war in particular. One of...
Although the civil war was largely fought with old tactics and weapons, it was also a time of weapon innovation....
Gail Lambert argues that we should not remove the statues of war generals that we disagree with. Lambert see’s these...
Even though there was no historical evidence to suggest that he actually held a military rank, Edgerton Hogg had assumed...
Popular phrases come and popular phrases go but rarely do people actually know where they come from. Sometimes people simply...
When we look at the past we can't just judge by our present standards. U.S. representative Garrets opposition of the...
This article details the events during the Civil War which pertained to the spy activities in southern Maryland. These spies...
During the American Civil War, Maryland was divided. Although the North stayed part of the Union, the South was filled...